Surprise! - Max Verstappen

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I softly open the door to my best friend's bedroom. He is laying on his his side, his eyes closed. He is clutching onto his pillow, a small frown on his sleeping face. He looks stressed and peacefull at the same time.

He's been training so much for the new season. He explained it as a tougher season based on training. Because of the new tyres and rules, he needs to be stronger than he is now. And that takes a lot from him. He's been exhausted lately. But he has a day off today and I happened to be free as well.

I walk over to him and shake him, seeing him stir. His eyes open and he frowns slightly.

"Y/N?" he asks, sounding confused.

"Yeah, hi. Get up, we're leaving in half an hour" I tell him and smile.

"What?" he asks, still confused.

"You need some fun, Max. Get dressed, we'll get food on the way" I tell him. He just starts smiling and nods. I leave his room, not wanting to see my best friend in only his boxers, or worse. I just make my way downstairs, where his mum and sister are sitting, smiling.

"It's honestly so good to see you again, Y/N" Sophie, his mum, says to me. I just smile widely. I've known Max for a fair good years now, before he went to Formula 1. I've spend a lot of times with him, as well as with his family. I'm close to his sister Victoria as well.

"He really needs some fun and I'm here to give that too him" I say, realizing how that sounded, but Sophie and Victoria don't seem to notice. After a little while, Max arrives downstairs, smiling even wider now.

"Are you ready?" I ask him and he nods. We say bye to his family and get in my car.

"Where are we going?" Max asks, as I start driving away from his mother's house. I just smile, not saying anything.

"You'll see" I just say, deciding that it's all he'll get. I just try to remember the route I had figured out for this. I follow the signs to the right place, a smile on both of our faces when we reach the destination.

I park the car and we both get out. Max looks around and smiles.

"So, remember how we used to come here when you weren't racing? We'd jump around all afternoon" I say as we both stand in front of the building. It's a trampoline center. We used to come here atleast once a week, the only day when Max wouldn't be busy with racing.

"I do remember that. I loved spending time together here. We always had so much fun" he says and looks at me with a smile.

"Well, we'll have fun today as well" I say and grab onto his hand, pulling him with me into the building. He chuckles at my excitement, but I can't help it. I love coming here. I sometimes come here with Victoria now.

I put my hair up in a pony tail, ready to go. Max just jumps onto the first trampolines, me following him. He turns around to look at me while we keep jumping around, sometimes doing tricks.

After about 2 hours, I turn to him again.

"Are you ready for the next part of your day?" I ask him and smile even wider now. Max nods with an excited expression on his face. We put on our shoes again and get back in my car. I start driving to the next destination.

I park my car at the second and last destination, getting out of the car. Max follows me and looks around. We're at a park, one that we used to go to in the evenings, just swinging. Max smiles when he spots the swing set. We walk over to it and sit down on them, swinging.

"Remember how we always tried to beat the other in going the highest?" Max asks, as he already goes higher than me. I just giggle and nod.

"I do remember it, I also remember you always going higher and me not liking that" I mumble, not even trying to go higher than him. Max chuckles and slows down, going the same height as I'm going.

"This is amazing, Y/N. I love that we're doing things we used to do. I am so sad that we don't get to do this more often" Max says, frowning slightly. I just smile at him.

"Don't worry about it, Max. As long as we keep doing this, even if it's just once a year" I say to him and he nods.

"Let's make this a yearly thing then. Once a year, we'll go and do things we used to do" Max says, smiling widely at me. I nod and think about other things we could do, next year.

"We should eat something later in the Italian restaurant" Max suggest and I smile. A place his family always took me with, Max and I always took the same. The waiters stopped asking us what we wanted at one point.

"I'd really like to go there" I say, a big smile on my face.

"I'm glad you did this. Thank you for today, Y/N" Max says and I smile again.

"I'm glad you had fun. I thought you'd deserved a fun day. You've been training so much lately. I was worried you wouldn't even know what fun was anymore" I say, a big smirk on my face. Max laughs and shakes his head.

"Whenever you're around, I'm always having fun" I smile at my best friend. I'm lucky to have him.


This one was also requested by lovestorieswriter

I hope you liked this one as well ! :)

If you have a request, send me a message! :D

xxxxx <3

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