Graduating - Daniel Ricciardo

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Starting my study a couple of years ago, I never expected to be where I am today. And today is such a special day, because I'm graduating. I get to be an adult.

I am sitting on the chairs in front of a big podium, together with my classmates and good friends. I like only half of the people here, but atleast the people I love are here as well.

"This is it, Y/N. We're done with school" my best friend whispers to me. I smile widely at her, knowing we've talked about this ever since we started. We're supposed to move in together, as we got jobs at the same company, being lawyers.

"I know, right. Our lifes are really starting" I say. Sure, my life has been pretty good so far, especially with a special someone in my life, but after school, it only gets better. Especially knowing that I get to be with the one that I love.

"So, this guy is staring at you. Do you know him, he's next to your parents?" my best friends whispers. I turn around and see Daniel smiling widely at me. When he sees me looking, he gives me the thumbs up. I wave slightly and smile at him. They start with the degrees, so I turn back to my best friend.

"Yeah, I know him" I whisper back. I have never told anyone about my relationship with Daniel, for more than one reason. First one, he is a famous Formula 1 driver, which will not be appricated by some. Also, he is 5 years older than I am, which is something that people will think is weird as well.

My name is called, so I make my way to the podium. I shake my principal's hand and get my diploma in my hand. I turn to the people in the room and I see my parents and Daniel cheering for me. I smile widely at them all, feeling proud of myself.


"Y/N!" Daniel shouts as the ceremony is done. I run towards him, jumping in his arms. Daniel holds me close to him, kissing my cheek.

"I'm so proud of you, babe" he tells me. I pull back and give him a real kiss. I don't care about the people anymore, not right now. My parents give me a hug as well, before I go stand next to Daniel. He puts his arm around me and kisses my temple.

"Who's this, Y/N?" one of my classmates asks. I don't particular like her, but I don't wanna be mean on graduating day. She smiles sweetly at Daniel, who just politely smiles back.

"This is Daniel" I just say, not wanting her to stick around. Daniel holds out his hand, which she shakes with an even bigger grin.

"And Daniel is your brother?" she asks. I know where this is headed, so I just sigh and shake my head.

"I'm her boyfriend" Daniel says, a wide grin on his face, the grin that I love. My classmate just stares at both of us.

"Can I just ask how old you are?" she asks Daniel. Daniel looks down at me and I just shrug, knowing this was coming some day.

"I'm 27" she just looks at me, her eyes wide.

"5 years. That's crazy. Why are you even with her?" she asks. Daniel glares at her now as well. Before he can say something, I do.

"You know what. We don't need your opinion or judgement. Daniel and I love each other and that won't change because of your opinion. Let's go, Dan" I grab ahold of Daniel's hand, pulling him with me. Daniel just waves at her, walking away with me, my parents following us.

"Let's go celebrate!" Daniel says, always happy to go to a party.

We walk into the venue and people immdiately stare at us. Daniel pulls me towards the dance floor, putting his arms around me. I put mine around his neck, while we start swaying along to the music. Daniel leans down to give me a kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too, Daniel"


Request by the lovely lovestorieswriter

Hope you liked it, babe! :)

Check out her stories, by the way! They're amazing!!

If you have a request, send me a message or put it in the comments!


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