Summer - Daniel Ricciardo

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"I'm so excited!" I say to Daniel, as we are sitting a taxi that will take us to the beach house we rented.

Daniel has some weeks off from racing, which we thought was the perfect time to go away from everything. Daniel had suggested Bora Bora and I had agreed. When I saw the pictures, I fell in love with it.

"Me neither! Imagine the next two weeks, all alone. Just the two of us" Daniel says as he grabs my hand and smiles at me.

"It's the best thing to happen this year. Sure, I love seeing you race, but seeing you relaxed makes me happy" I tell Daniel, who now only can grin.

"And I just want to see you happy" he says. I lean my head on his shoulder, just enjoying this moment. The taxi driver eventually stops and Daniel pays him. We take our cases to the front of the house. The key is supposed to be hidden, but the company told us the location of the key.

Daniel opens the door and my eyes widen immediately. We both slowly make our way in, looking around. I am blown away by the beauty of the house.

"This looks amazing" Daniel mumbles from behind me. I just keep walking around, not being able to keep my mouth from falling open.

"Babe? Come look at the freaking bedroom" Daniel calls to me. I walk towards him, as he is just grinning widely. The bedroom looks amazing. It's incredibly big, with a huge kingzised bed in the middle. The view is breath taking.

"I don't ever want to leave here" I softly say to Daniel. He puts his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. He sighs, as I feel him relax.

"I guess we have our holiday destination for the rest of our lives" I try not to think anything of that statement, so I ignore that.

"Let's get changed and go swimming!" I say to Daniel, very excited. Daniel chuckles at the change in my mood, but goes with it.

We both change into swimming clothes, me in my baby blue bikini and Daniel in his bright red swimshorts.

Daniel takes my hand and pulls me along to the water. I slowly walk into the beautiful sea, while Daniel runs and dives in. I giggle at him. It makes me extremely happy to see him like this, so stressfree, so carefree. I wish I could see him more often like this.

"Come on, Y/N!" Daniel yells. I giggle and walk further into the water. I reach Daniel and smile at him.

"Took you long enough" he says, grinning at me. I roll my eyes, but can't help but smile.

"I can't help it that you're always faster" I say to him, causing him to laugh. He pulls me closer, lifting my legs up. I put them around his waist, my arms going around his neck. We're far enough in the water that it reaches just below my shoulders.

"I am so glad that you came here with me" Daniel says, moving his head closer to mine. I rest my forehead against his.

"I'm so glad I came too, Dan. This is amazing, so thank you for taking me" I reply to him. Daniel's lips press against mine, holding onto me tightly.

"You have no idea how much I love you" he mumbles against your lips.

"I love you too, Dan"

"Promise me something?" he asks. For some reason, it makes me nervous.

"What?" I ask.

"Promise me that in a couple of years, we'll be back here, but with a few changes"

"And what may those changes be?" I ask, getting very curious what he's on about.

"For starters, there'll be a ring on your finger, maybe on mine too, depends on my timing. Secondly, maybe, just maybe, a tiny Ricciardo will be in your stomach" Daniel says, making my heart beat faster.

"You've really got this planned then?" I ask him, a smile playing on my lips. He smiles back, but looks serious.

"Can you promise me that?" he asks again. Marrying Daniel? Having kids with him? That's my dream.

"I promise, only if you promise me something" I reply. It's his turn to be curious.

"What is it?"

"Promise me that you'll be there, healthy and most importantly, alive" I ask him. I've always been scared of him crashing. Everytime I am at a race, my nerves build up, just because I think he might crash. It got worse after his friend and fellow driver, Jules crashed. He died last year, crushing Daniel.

"I promise, baby. We'll both be there, healthy as a horse" Daniel says, smiling widely at me. I nod and smile back.

"I'll also promise to make the cutest freaking baby on this planet" he adds, causing me to laugh.

"You're crazy" I tell him, making him grin.

"You love it, really" he says to me.

"I love you, all of you" I tell him. He presses his lips against mine once again.

"I love you too, Y/N"


Helloo! This was requested by hannahshelly-styles
I hope you liked it!

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