Home - Daniel Ricciardo

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The day has finally come. After months of waiting, counting down the days, it's here. Daniel is coming home, as the season is now over.

I haven't seen Daniel for a few weeks now. Everytime he had days off, he'd spend it in Monaco or England and I live in Australia, close to where Daniel's parents live. Because the season is over, Daniel is flying out to Australia, to spend some time with his friends and family.

I couldn't sleep last night, so excited for him to get home. I've missed him like crazy, only being able to go to a few races. I've been at the Malaysian Grand Prix, which was the most amazin weekend. Daniel was so happy and that made me happy.

"Love, please, stop bouncing your leg. You're making me nervous" Grace, Daniel's mum, says to me. I'm sitting next to her on the couch, waiting for Daniel. I blush.

"I'm sorry. It's just-"

"I know, you've missed him" Grace finishes for me. I just smile at her. I'm glad I get along with Daniel's parents, as it would be extremely awkward right now otherwise. I remember the first time Daniel took me to meet his parents.

"Babe, they'll love you, stop bouncing your leg" Daniel tells me, chuckling slightly. I'm always nervous about meeting new people, but it's a bit worse when I realize it are Daniel's parents. Although I live quiet close, I've never met them.

"It's just, what if they don't, Dan?" I ask, feeling my stomach filled with nerves. I hate feeling like this.

"They will, please stop worrying" Daniel tells me, grabbing ahold of my hand. Together, we walk up to the front door. Daniel opens it and leads me inside. I hear talking from the living room, which makes me even more nervous.

"Mum? Dad?" Daniel asks, making his parents look up to us. They both stand up while smiling. Daniel pulls me closer, still holding my hand.

"This is Y/N" Daniel says, as both his parents smile widely at me. His mum holds out her hand.

"I'm Grace, it's so nice to meet you" she says, as I shake her hand. I smile back at her, before shaking Joe's hand as well.

"Daniel's told us lots about you" Joe says, making me look at Daniel for a few seconds.

"Only the good things, I hope?" I ask, feeling myself at ease, looking at the smiling Australians.

"I'm sure there are only good things" Grace says, pulling me to the couch.

And now I'm sitting on the same couch, waiting for my boyfriend to come home. Daniel and I have been together for about 4 years now. I've never felt more at home than with him,

A black car pulls up the drive way, which means Daniel's here. Grace pushes me into the kitchen. We want it to be a surprise for me to be there. Daniel had told me that he wanted to come see me as soon as possible, but he first had to see his parents. I, off course, understood, but called Grace to arrange something.

I listen closely, hearing Grace and Daniel.

"Dan!" Grace calls out. I hear his chuckle, making me smile widely. I love the sound coming from him.

"Hey mum, I've missed you" Daniel says and I can only imagine them hugging right about now. Joe, who didn't really talk to me, now talks to Daniel.

"Son, it's good to see you again" I hear him say.

"You too, dad" Daniel replies. I just know the wide smirk that should be on Daniel's face right now. And I know it's almost my turn to walk out.

"We have a surprise for you, though" Grace says to Daniel.

"Really? What is it?" Daniel asks, never really good with surprises. He's too curious. I do know it is my cue to walk out, so I do.

I walk into the livingroom, seeing him standing there, looking at Grace. His brown, curly hair is a mess, but I still think he looks sexy. Grace just pokes him to look sideways, which he does. His eyes widen when he sees me.

"Y/N" he almost whispers, walking over to me. I feel tears forming in my eyes. Daniel opens his arms and I let myself fall into them, putting my arms around his neck. I lean my head against his chest, feeling at home.

"I've missed you so damn much" Daniel mumbles against my skin. I nod, knowing he knows that I missed him too.

"I need to talk to you about something, though" Daniel says, worrying me.

"What is it?" I ask, hating that I sound so insecure. He looks at his parents and they smile widely, while his mum is already tearing. That basically gives it away.

Daniel turns back to me, smiling but looking nervous.

"Y/N, I know the race season puts a log of pressure on the both of us. I also know that you sacrifice a lot, always waiting for me to come home. And I first of all want to thank you for that. You have no idea what it means to me, knowing that whenever it gets hard, you'll be there, at home waiting for me. Knowing that I can talk to you about anything. You were the only person I talked to in Monaco and that meant so much to me. I also know that I can't live without you, not any longer. I need you by my side. I need to wake up next to you, every single day of the year. Not just the off season, but during a season. I need to have you in my arms whenever I want. I need to be able to touch you, not just look at you through a small screen" by now, the tears are on my face as well, copying Grace's emotions.

"Y/N, I need you, forever" Daniel says, before taking out a small box from his pocket. I gasp, putting my hands over my mouth. Daniel goes down on one knee.

"Y/N, will you please marry me?" Daniel asks. I just nod, frantically, while smiling through my tears. Daniel slides the ring on my finger, pulling me in a hug.

"I love you so fucking much" Daniel says to me, while the tears keep rolling.

"Language!" I hear Grace yell at Daniel, making me giggle.

"I love you too, Dan. More than you'll ever know" I say to him, pressing my lips against his.


This was (sort off) requested by lovestorieswriter ! I hope you liked it!

If you have a request, let me know in the comments or through a private message!


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