Accident - Daniel Ricciardo

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Important : if you don't like reading about drivers getting in accidents, don't read this one shot!

The streets of London are my favorite around Christmas time in London. Making my way through them, brightens up my mood.

I am Christmas shopping for my boyfriend, getting last minute things. I am not good at buying gifts, so I usually just push it away until the very last minute. And that's bad, but also kinda good, cause I always end up buying random things that he loves.

But, I didn't buy anything random this year. Daniel and I have been dating for about 5 years now and just yesterday, I found out I am pregnant. So, I just bought a baby shirt that says "daddy's baby". I don't know if it's a girl or a boy yet, so I just went with baby.

Once I'm done, I call Daniel.

"Hey love" he answers his phone.

"Hey, could you come pick me up?"

"Off course. Be there in 10" and with that, he hangs up. Daniel and I have an apartment in the centre of London together, as I'm from here and Daniel has to be in Milton Keynes a lot for Red Bull.

So whenever we're not spending time in Monaco, we're in London. And I love spending time here, but I love Monaco as well.

I wait for Daniel, watching the cars pass by. When I look further up the road, I can see his car coming into sight. Just one more traffic light and he's here. I just smile and look away for a second. Just then, I hear a loud crash. My heart instantly stops, as I slowly look up, scared to see what it was.

I feel tears forming in my eyes as I see it was a car crash. And Daniel's car is involved. A crowd is already forming and I push my way through it.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I yell at random people. Daniel is unconsious in his car seat, blood on his face. I gasp as I open the door, but I'm pushed away by someone.

"You can't just move him! You need to wait for the ambulance" someone tells me. I just start crying, hard.

"This can't be happening" I mumble, hearing the loud sirens of the ambulance coming closer. I let myself fall to the ground, my tears blurring my vision.

"No" I just mumble, as I'm pushed aside.

The next thing I know, is me walking through the long hallways of the hospital. I feel numb, not knowing how Daniel is doing. The nurses told me his room number and said I could visit. I see the room number and walk in. I feel air coming back into my lungs as I see him awake.

He looks up when he hears someone walking in, a smile growing on his lips when he sees that it's me.

"Y/N" he almost whispers. I quickly make my way over to him, softly giving him a hug.

"You scared the hell out of me" I say, making Daniel frown.

"I'm so sorry, love"

"Are you okay, though? What did the doctors say?"

"They said that I should be fine soon. I have a broken rib, a bruised leg and some small wounds and cuts. I'll be fine with some rest" Daniel explains. I sigh, out of relief, glad to see him awake.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean too" Daniel says, a small grin on his face.

"That's okay, Dan. I'm just glad you're alright" Daniel smiles at my words, grabbing ahold of my hand.

"I actually wanted to give you your gifts on Christmas day, but now I want to give it right now. Are you ready?" Daniel suddenly looks very excited. He loves getting presents and this time, it's no different. I hand him the bag that holds the shirt. He grabs it and frowns first, but then he reads the shirt. His eyes shift to my stomach, before he looks up to me.

"Really?" he asks, shocked.

"Yes. I'm pregnant, Dan. You're gonna be a dad" Daniel gets the biggest smile on his face, as he pulls me towards him.

"I'm never scaring you again. It won't be good for our baby" Daniel mumbles, making me smile. I just love this man so much.


Request by tami_udvardy
I'm so sorry for the wait! I hope you liked it!

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