Roller Coaster - Maniel

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"I'm so excited!" I say, jumping around Max and Daniel, who both chuckle at me. It doesn't happen often that I get to spend time with the both of them. Usually, one of them is busy, or both.

"Relax, it's just an amusement park" Daniel says to me, making me gasp at him. Max looks at us with a wide grin on his face.

"Just an amusement park? When was the last time you went to one?" Daniel starts to think about it and stays silent for a while.

"Damn, I can't even remember" he mumbles. I just smile at him, hooking my arms through theirs.

"You know what we should do? Play all the games!" I call out. Max high fives me, as we both grin at Daniel. He isn't the best at those, whenever we play something, he loses. And he knows it.

"Fine, but don't laugh at me when I lose, again" he mumbles and pouts slightly. I giggle at him, wanting to walk a bit faster.

"We have all dat, Y/N, relax" Max tells me now, pulling me back slightly. I pout now myself, but try to relax. I need to make the most of spending the day with my two best friends.

"Let's do the basketball thing first!" Max suggest, as we walk right to it. We all agree and Daniel goes first. He actually scores, but only ones. Max then goes and scores twice. I score twice as well, making Daniel sigh.

"There is going to be a day when I win something in an amusement park" he mumbles, accepting his tiny prize. Max and I get a slightly bigger one.

We move along past some games, Max wins most of them.

"Should we go in the water attraction?" Daniel asks us, pointing at one. We nod and get in line. It's a pretty hot day, so getting wet wouldn't be so bad.

We can get in one boat together, me sitting in the middle, Max in front and Daniel behind me. We move around slowly, before we go up and move to the drop.

When we do go down, I quickly hide behind Max, that way, I don't get that wet. Daniel chuckles as he hides behind me, so only Max gets soaken wet. We laugh at him.

"I'm never sitting in front again" he just mumbles, looking down at his now wet clothes. We decide to just get some food before moving on. Daniel pays for it, much to Max's annoyance, as he wanted to pay. I just eat my fries, letting them argue over who should've payed.

They're good friends, but they sometimes act like a married couple. And I don't mind, cause I enjoy listening to it.

After lunch, we walk around a bit more.

"Let's do that one!" Max yells. I look up to see what he's pointing at and I stop in my tracks. I eye the big ass roller coaster and feel my heart beating a lot faster than it should. I get butterflies in my stomach, and not the good kind.

"Y/N?" Daniel asks. Both of them are looking at me, a rather worried look on their faces.

"Yeah, how about you go on that without me?" I ask, afraid of roller coasters, especially when they're huge like this one.

"Come on, we'll get you through it. You can sit in the middle, hold onto our hands if you want to" Max tries. I look at him now, and he's looking at me with a pleading look. I sigh and slowly walk with them.

"You're lucky that I love you two" I mumble, as we get in line for the damn thing. Much to my annoyance, it's our turn pretty quickly. Like they promised, I get to sit in the middle.

The ride starts moving up and I feel myself gettin extremely scared, because the drop is long. And it'll go pretty fast.

"Right, Daniel once broke a TV screen in his chill room without telling Red Bull. He blamed a random person who must've walked into his room" Max blurts out, trying to distract me.

"Oh yeah? Max once ran through the Factory and slipped. He landed on his butt and couldn't sit in the simulator for a week" Daniel now says. By now, I'm giggling at their attempts. We're at the top and both guys grab one of my hands. We move down extremely fast and I scream, loudly. As soon as the drop is over, I breath. The longer the ride lasts, the more I start to enjoy it. The nerves turned into enjoyement and I feel myself laughing. Daniel and Max scream like girls whenever we go through a looping. I giggle at how silly they're being.

Once the ride slows down at the end, I smile at both of them.

"Thanks guys" I mumble. They both kiss my cheek, smiling widely at me.

"But not just for the ride, for the entire day. I miss you guys too much during the season" they both frown, before Daniel grins at Max.

"We can always fly you out to races! That way we can spend a lot of time together" Daniel says, as Max nods his head in agreement. I smile widely at them. What did I do go deserve these guys?

Request by VettelFerrari
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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