Only You - Max Verstappen

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I walk into the now already extremely busy club. The drivers are celebrating the end of the season and my boyfriend invited me to come.

So while I'm holding Max's hand, we walk towards a group of the drivers. Daniel, Carlos, Lewis, Jenson and new driver Stoffel are all standing at the bar together.

"Max! Y/N!" Daniel yells, making the others look up as well. Most all smile widely as they know how long Max and me have been together. But I've never met Stoffel before and he doesn't seem to know me either. I smile at him and hold out my hand.

"Hey, I'm Y/N" I say to him. He shakes my hand and smiles back.

"I'm Stoffel" but he doesn't take his hand away. He just lingers there. I try to pull my hand back and he lets me, but his eyes stay on mine.

Max pulls me into him, moving his arm around my waist.

"Haven't you met my girlfriend before, Stoffel?" Max asks, an annoyed sound in his voice as he glares at him.

"No, don't think I had" Stoffel says with a smile. I just try to ignore him as I let Max order a drink for me.

About an hour later, I found Vivian, Nico Rosberg's wife. We have started dancing, having a great time. I sometimes feel eyes on me and I figure it's Max. He always tells me how much he enjoys watching me dance.

"Why is Stoffel staring at you?" Vivian asks, pulling me close so I can hear her. I frown and turn around, seeing Stoffel indeed staring at me. I try to look around to spot Max, but I can't see him.

"He's coming this way!" Vivian tells me. I turn back around again and see he is already in front of me.

"Hey! Care to dance?" he asks me. I have always had a hard time telling people no like this, because I don't want to hurt people.

But Stoffel doesn't even wait for my answer, as he puts an arm around my waist and pulls me into him. I put my hands against his chest, to prevend me from collapsing into him.

"Stoffel, I'm with Max" I mumble to him, trying to get out of his grasp.

"I don't see him around, so I though I'd keep you company" he says to me. I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Really, I'm fine. I have Vivian to keep me company" I tell Stoffel, but he isn't listening. Instead, he pulls me closer. I push myself away from him, but he won't let go.

"Get away from my girlfriend, Vandoorne" I hear my favorite voice say from behind me. Stoffel looks up and frowns, letting go off me. I fall back into Max's arms, who steadies me. Stoffel walks away and I smile at Max. He just looks angry and walks away as well. I frown and run after him.

"Max!" he doesn't seem to hear me or he's just ignoring me.

"Max! Wait!" Max walks outside and I follow him. I manage to get ahold of his arm and that stops him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. Does he think that I wanted to dance with Stoffel?

"Nothing" Max growls, sounding really pissed off.

"It doesn't look like nothing. Did I do something wrong?" I ask Max. He turns around to me and he looks like he can punch someone.

"Why don't you ask Vandoorne! He seemed to enjoy whatever you were doing" he says, making me frown.

"Max, I didn't want him to do that"

"Well he did! I can't handle seeing anyone with you like that" Max says and I finalt realize what is going on with him.

"Max, there is no need to be jealous of Stoffel, I didn't want to dance with him" I tell Max. Max just frowns and looks at me.

"Who says that I'm jealous?" he asks, a little bit calmer now. I take a step towards him, placing a hand on his cheek.

"I do. Max, I only want to be with you, I only want to dance with you and I only love you" I tell him. His lips curl slightly in the smallest smile, not looking totally convinced.

"You didn't want to dance with him like that?" he asks me, his voice now soft and sweet.

"No. I was waiting for you to come up to me and place your arms around my waist, resting your hands on my bum. Because I was hoping you would do that" I tell him. Max gets a wide smirk on his face.

"Well, I was planning on it. But I wasn't planning on stopping by just holding you. I was thinking about making sure every part of your neck was kissed" he says, making me smile as well.

"What are we waiting for then?" I ask him, causing him to chuckle.

"I love you, Y/N" he says, kissing me softly.

"And I love you too, Max. Only you" I reply, kissing my amazing boyfriend back.


This was requested by LucyReus
Hope you liked it!

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