Will You ? - Max Verstappen

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I am standing in the garage, biting on my nails nervously. Your boyfriend, Max, is in the last couple of laps of the race, and he's leading. It's the Spanish Grand Prix, 2020, 4 years after winning his first Grand Prix.

Max and I have been dating for about 5 years now as well. I was there when he first won and I'm going to be here when he wins again. He's been winning some races, a lot actually. And I've been there for every one of them.

Max crosses the finish line, in 1st place. I start smiling widely as I jump into the arms of Jake, his personal trainer.

"He's done it again!" Jake yells at me. I giggle and nod, while we start walking towards the podium. Jake pulls me along, making sure I stay close to him. The whole time, team members walk up to me and hug me, as we all wait for Max to park his car and jump out.

When he does, everyone cheers, very loudly. Max runs over to his team and spots me. His arms pull me close to him, while team members pad him on the back and weirdly, his butt. Max pumps his fist in the air, while walking away to the cool down room.

The Dutch national anthem sounded and I see him getting emotional once again. He's been winning the Spanish Grand Prix for a few years in a row now and everytime, he's reminded of the first time and so am I.

After getting the trophy's and the champagne being sprayed everywhere, it's time for the press conference. I just walk with Jake to the garages, waiting for him to get back. Team members are getting ready for the winners picture. Daniel walks up to me and hugs me.

"Your boy did great again!" he tells me, as he's smiling widely. He finished 2nd.

"Your best friend did great! And so did you" I say, making him grin and nod. Christian Horner and Helmut Marko come walking towards the team as well, both of them wearing bright smiles. Cheers erupt and I see Max walking towards us, his race suit still on. He as well, has a very wide smile on his face. He hugs Daniel, Christian and Helmut, before he turns to me.

His smile grows as he pulls me close to him, his lips pressing against mine.

"I'm so proud of you" I mumble to him. The team gets ready for the picture, while I stand next to his dad on the side line. Max then turns to me after the pictures have been taken. The media stays put, which makes me frown.

"Y/N? Can you come here for a sec?" Max asks. I nod and slowly make my way over to him. The team behind him are all grinning widely, while Daniel has one hand behind his back. Max takes my hands.

"Y/N, I have thought about this ever since I met you. You make me so incredibly happy. I've dreamt about waking up to you every morning and fall asleep next to you, every single night for the rest of our lives. You're the one and I've actually known this for a while as well. I know that this life, it's hard, especially for you. You're the one that gave up everything to travel with me, to be there for every race. And you have to know, I'm so thankfull for that. I'm actually just thankfull for you. You are an amazing person and I want to be with you forever. So" Max starts and turns to Daniel. Daniel takes his hand from his back and hands Max a small box. Tears are already rolling down my cheeks.

Max goes down on one knee and opens the box.

"Y/N, will you marry me?" he asks. I just nod, frantically, because I don't trust my voice right now. Max grins widely, as he puts the ring on my finger. The whole Red Bull team cheers, making me laugh. Max kisses me, while pulling me close to him.

"I love you" Max says to me, making me smile through my tears.

"I love you, too" I tell him, him smiling as well. This is the man I'll be with forever. Until our hearts stop beating.


Request by MaleenHarding

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xxxx <3

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