Spending The Day With Professor Sycamore

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Today was the day I was leaving Lumiose City and heading to Cyllage I decided to help the Professor out seeing as he wouldn't actually let me leave the lab until later! It was 7:45AM so I got up, showered, got dressed and headed to the kitchen area. It was Saturday so the only ones here were me, Augustine and the Pokémon everybody else had the weekend off. I began cooking pancakes and breakfast for the rest of the Pokémon, I have Brock to thank for that. "Gar" I heard from behind "good morning Garchomp, here I made breakfast for you" I chirped before giving her the food which she seemed to enjoy. "*Yawn* my what smells so good?" Augustine asked as he walked in, he was in his lab coat and usual clothes but he still had his messy and adorable bed hair. "I er made food" I answered "Y/N, you shouldn't have but thanks you. I'm sure it tastes as good as it looks" he said before he began eating. "This is amazing! Where did you learn to cook?" He asked with a huge smile causing me to blush a little "my friend Brock taught me" I replied. "I made food for the Pokémon too so I'll just go feed them" I said before heading to the Pokémon garden and making sure there was enough food for everybody.

A few moments later Augustine joined me "let's get to work shall we?" He asked, I nodded enthusiastically and started working. We checked all the Pokémon to make sure they were all healthy, played with them, gave them Poképuffs and then moved on to Mega Evolution research. I went to the Pokémon garden well actually I was dragged there by Eevee who was dragging me by my pant leg. She jumped in front of me facing a Zigzagoon, it looked like the two wanted to battle "you want to battle is that it?" I asked and they both chirped in agreement "alright then, Eevee start of with quick attack!" I told her, Zigzagoon dodged and countered with headbutt. The attack hit Eevee but she was alright, she really is a strong Pokémon! "Eevee attack with swift!" I said to her, she attacked and every little star hit Zigzagoon and Eevee won the battle! "Well done both of you that was great!" I laughed, I gave them both potions and then they both ran off to play with the other Pokémon. I then started training with my own Pokémon Umbreon and Charizard, "Umbreon use shadow ball!" Charizard dodged the attack and used fire blast "Umbreon dodge and attack with Dark pulse!" That attack barely hit Charizard but did a good bit of damage. Charizard flew up and attacked with mega punch, the attack caused Umbreon to  faint, I returned them both to their Pokéballs and went to get them both healed up.

"You've been a great help today Y/N thank you!" Augustine said gratefully as he joined me in the room I was staying in. I was packing my things up ready to leave in a few hours "don't mention it! I'll help out more when I come back!" I laughed "when you come back?" He asked "of course! Why wouldn't I?" I questioned "well I just thought you would be with your brothers and your friends and getting all the gym badges and you would be too busy to come back to Lumiose city" he told me, "I can do those things whenever I want, besides to get to a lot of the other cities we have to come through Lumiose anyway" I laughed. "Haha I guess you're right" he laughed before Eevee ran over to me with one of my Pokéballs in her mouth. "It looks like she wants to go with you keep this up and I won't have any Pokémon left in the garden" Augustine chuckled "so it's ok for her to come with me?" I asked "of course it's what Eevee wants and I'll be happy to do whatever makes her happy" he smiled, I took the Pokéball from Eevee and tapped it on her head, she went inside and the ball shook three times before glowing. "Well then you better get going if you want to win that bet you made with Ash and Red" Augustine chuckled "yeah, I almost forgot about that see ya!" I laughed before I started running, they've already got a two day head start luckily I know a shortcut thanks to my maps I can cut through route five and Camphier town. Red and the others went through Courmaline town, so if I hurry up I should be there in no time, win the bet and get to beat the gym leader before they do!

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