Day Three Blockbusters!

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I was woken up by the sunlight and some Fletchlings who were chirping, Growlithe shot up and started licking me "good morning to you too" I laughed. "C' mon buddy, let's go get some food" I said. I picked Growlithe up and jumped down, headed to the cafeteria and got food for all my Pokémon. "Morning Y/N" Red yawned as he sat down next to me "morning, where's everyone else?" I asked "Serena's got em all on a morning run" he laughed "and you got out of it? Aren't you lucky" I laughed "yeah well I told em' I had a stomach ache, what they don't know won't hurt em" he replied "good morning Red, and good morning to you too Y/N. When did you get back?" Augustine asked as he walked over to us "last night, sorry I didn't tell you" I told him "it's ok no harm done. And who's this?" He asked referring to Growlithe who was hiding in my jacket, it's gonna take him a while to get used to new people again. "This is Growlithe, he's my Pokémon all the way from Kanto. Thanks to one of my...friends, I was able to rescue him yesterday" I said happily "rescue him?" Augustine asked "yeah, a few years ago when I was traveling in Johto he got captured by Team Rocket. I tried looking for him but never found him. I think it's going to be a while before he'll be comfortable around new people again" I told him. "I understand, it's nice to see you reunited with him" Augustine smiled "wait a second. If you got back last night without telling anyone where did you sleep?" He asked "Oh I slept in a tree in the forest. It's what I do every night when I'm traveling" I answered, he chuckled and shook his head. "RED! YOU LIAR! YOU SAID YOU HAD A STOMACH ACHE!" Ash yelled as he walked in "busted!" I laughed "uh oh" Red mumbled, "I'd start running" I warned him.

After everyone had breakfast, Augustine told the campers what they'd be doing today. Making a Pokevision video. The top three would get points but the best would get the awesome ten points, I can't remember what the final prize was. After Augustine finished talking, Sophie helped the kids but giving them tools to make Poke puffs. "So Y/N will you be making a Pokevision with them?" The professor questioned, I sighed lightly and shook her head. "As much as I'd love to, I've got paperwork to do from yesterday. If I hand it in late I'll never hear the end of it" I pouted resulting in a hearty laugh from Augustine. "Yes, paperwork really is the most boring part but it is important" he stated and I nodded in agreement before sitting at one of the tables. Growlithe had curled up on the table and was taking a nap. Sycamore and Sophie left to do their own work and I got carried on with my own, I heard quiet talking and looked up. Three cooks in the kitchen were whispering amongst themselves. "Your disguises are starting to get embarrassing Team Rocket" I muttered under my breath before I went back to my work.

3rd P.O.V.   

In their cabin, Red,  Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were coming up with ideas for their video. "Ta-da! Here's the concept, it's called 'Friends'!" Serena presented a drawing. It had a grassy background with 4 pink flowers in each corner of the page. Pikachu, Froakie Raichu, Fennekin, Chespin, and Dedenne were the Pokemon she wanted to use in the video. "Dedenne will you be able to handle it?" Bonnie asked worryingly, Dedenne sounded nervous which didn't assure anyone. "Don't worry! All you have to do is be yourselves" Serena smiled and seemed to cheer everyone up. Clemont revealed a new device for recording the video but needed Ash's help with adjustments leaving Red and the girls with baking Pokepuffs. Red's Charizard wasn't the best...with cooking, his flames were way too hot but Red appreciated his attempted help. "So cute! Fennekin, do you think it's cute too?" Bonnie asked in awe of the puffs she made "at least someone's having fun" Red laughed "I can help you bake some Red don't worry" Serena smiled. "That'd be great thanks, Serena!" Serena, Bonnie, and Shauna ended up talking about Kalos Queen Aria's Pokevision videos instead of helping Red who luckily was able to make a good batch of treats. Once everything was ready to go, everyone went looking for a place to film. The gang was in a forest pretty far from the camp but Serena did find a beautiful place to film eventually. "I'll just have a quick look and then we can start!" Serena chimed as ran over, she came across a steep ditch. 

The ground broke beneath her and she fell down, Ash grabbed her hand but fell with her. "Ash! Serena!" The others yelled, they ran over and were relieved to see them both ok. "Ash hold on!" Red skidded down to them. "Are you both ok?" He asked with a serious tone "yeah I'm ok" Serena smiled as Ash handed her hat back. "Me too, c'mon let's try and head back" Ash laughed, he stood up only to fall back pained with a pained grunt. "My foot must've twisted a little" he muttered. Red nodded and took out his cellphone whilst Serena helped Ash with his injury "are you ok?" Clemont yelled down "Ash injured his foot! I'm calling Y/N and the Professor for help!" The siblings nodded as the phone started ringing.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"-/N....Y/N. Wake up!" I shot up with a tired mumble. "Sorry, I would have let you sleep but your phone started ringing" Sophie smiled apologetically. "It's fine don't worry" I yawned before answering the phone. "Hello?" "Y/N? It's Red, Ash and Serena fell into a ditch. Serena's ok but Ash messed up his foot, could you send us some help?" "Yeah. Where are you?" "We're in a forest away from the camp. I'll send Clemont and Bonnie back so they can show you the way!" "Alright see you soon!" I hung up and sighed heavily. "Is everything ok?" Sophie asked "Serena and Ash fell into a ditch. She's ok but Ash is injured, Bonnie and Clemont are on their way here to take us over." Augustine walked over and apparently having heard everything "it's a relief that they're ok. We'll put a rescue team together ready for when those two get here" "I'm going with them" Y/N stated. "Y/N...It could be dangerous" Sycamore argued. "I'll be fine besides he's my brother. I'm not just gonna sit around and do nothing whilst he's hurt" I replied, "you're right I'm sorry of course you should go." The two kids got here not long after, we followed them into the forest with the 'rescue team' aka Team Rocket. I sighed in relief as the three were pulled before bashing Ash's head. "Idiot! Be more next time!" "Alright sorry!" Ash laughed as I gave him a death glare "idiot" me and Red both muttered. Serena squealed happily before rushing off again "what's got her so excited?" I asked "oh that's the spot where Serena wanted to film the pokevision video" Bonnie answered. "Oh right, have fun with that" I yawned.

~A few hours later~

Everyone was in the main cabin watching the Pokevision video. We had just watched team Squirtle's video and now it was Team Froakie's turn. Ash, Serena, Bonnie, Clemont, and Red presented their video. Growlithe jumped on my lap and watched with me, I smiled and patted his head as the video went on. It was a funny one that's for sure, everyone applauded after it finished. "I'd like you all to vote for the three videos you liked the most except for your own of course" Augustine smiled and everyone started voting. The winners were Team Charmander, Chikorita and team Froakie. "Alright! Way to go guys!" I laughed before I got a phone call from Lance. "Hello?" "Paperwork?" "Yeah, you know just chilling" "Y/N..." "alright geez. I'm almost finished, I'll have it in by the end of tomorrow ok?" "It better be. Y'know they'll only get angry if you don't hand it in." "Yeah yeah I know. I'll talk to you later" Lance hung up and after dinner, everyone returned to their cabin. "Oh mon cher! Will you share my cabin tonight?"Augustine asked with a seductive smile, arms wrapped around my waist. "Yes, I will" I chuckled before giving him a kiss. Growlithe yipped and rubbed his head against Augustine's leg "lucky you" I chuckled. "I'm honored" Augustine patted him with a smile before we went to 'bed'. The summer camp wasn't over still a few more fun days left!

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