Awakening The Sleeping Giant!

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I finally made it to Camphrier town, there were people running market stalls and children playing in the streets it looked like a nice place and the castle on the hill tops looked amazing. Suddenly there was a loud roar, it made the whole town shake! A few seconds later the noise had stopped "what on earth was that?" I asked myself, there was a woman sweeping so I walked over to her and asked if she knew. She said every year, a Snorlax visits the town to eat lot of food. Afterwards it falls asleep, and so Lord Shabboneau of Shabboneau castle plays the Pokéflute to wake the Snorlax. It then returns the year after but Lord Shabboneau won't wake Snorlax up and the festival they have is almost ready and Snorlax can't stay here forever that's for sure. "Alright well in that case I'll go talk to Lord Shabboneau and tell him the problem. He's gotta play the flute after that!" I told the woman before running off towards the castle, I'm gonna help of course but why would Lord Shabboneau decide to just stop playing the Pokéflute? Somethings not right and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it!

I made it to the castle, I ran the whole way and I wasn't tired or out of breath! And it was a long run, I know my stamina is pretty good but not that good! I'll figure it out later, right now I have other problems to deal with! "Hello! Anyone here?" I called, the castle's draw bridged dropped and a butler greeted me. I told him why I was here and he lead me to Lord Shabboneau, I explained the situation to him but he told me after a while of practically begging that he didn't have the flute anymore! Princess Allie from Parfum palace the next city over came here one day and decided to just take it and went back to her palace! "Well don't worry about it, I'll have it back before ya know it! You can count on me!" I told Lord Shabboneau "oh splendid that would be wonderful! Thank you so much miss!" He said before I ran back to the main town, "we'll go to the castle ourselves and get the Pokéflute!" I heard a familiar voice say, it was Ash and the others "no need I just did" I told them "Y/N! When did you get here?" Serena asked "bout an hour ago, you guys had a two day lead and I still beat you here" I laughed "great. We'll sort out the bet later what about the Pokéflute?" Read asked, "good news is Lord Shabboneau is gonna play it at the festival bad news is, we'll need to get it back from Parfum palace first" I told them. "Parfum palace? Where's that?" Ash asked "it's a palace not far from here it won't take long to get there" Clemont answered well let's go!" Ash exclaimed.

Thanks to Bonnie we were able to sneak through a bush into the massive garden! "I wouldn't wanna mow the lawn" Bonnie laughed, a Furfrou came running at us, it;s fur had been styled "oh stop at once! You shouldn't be playing with all this trash it'll give you tummy ache" a girl in a dress said to the Furfrou "excuse you? I am a Pokémon master and champion! I'm not trash you here me?!" I shouted "you're princess Allie right? Can we have the Pokéflute back please?" Clemont asked "indeed I am and that's not gonna happen" she giggled "you're a real princess!" Bonnie exclaimed "getting the flute back might not be so easy" Serena mumbled "tell me about, just by looking at her I can tell she's a snobby stuck brat" I replied. "My things are my things and things that are given to me are my things as well so the Pokéflute is one of my things and it's all mine!" She laughed before eyeing up Pikachu she then snatched him from Ash's shoulder! Ash took him back and then Allie bribed him with treasure! "Alright that's enough! I demand you to battle with me! If I win you return the Pokéflute to us!" Ash told her "very well but if I win, I get to keep your precious Pikachu" she laughed, it was Pikachu and Furfrou and I already knew who the winner was gonna be, Pikachu was gonna use Electro ball ruining Furfrou's fur causing Allie to forfeit! But how do I know that? I don't just think it I actually know it's going to happen!

 The battle ended exactly how I thought it was going to! What's going on with me? The increased stamina, knowing what was going to happen in Ash's battle? What's happening to me? Maybe.... I don't know but it could be what's causing this mayhem. Anyway, Allie refused to give us the flute unless Clemont stayed with her, we devised a plan however. Leave Clemont here return the flute then comeback for Clemont! And that's exactly what we did, we returned the flute but before it could be played Team Rocket appeared and snatched it! They played it horribly and woke up Snorlax but he wasn't happy! He blasted Team Rocket, they dropped the flute which I gave back to Lord Shabboneau, he used it to calm Snorlax down who then ate the berries and left. "Everything turned out great huh?" Ash asked "it sure did, we should probably go get Clemont" I laughed "yeah, so seeing as you won the bet what do you want us to do?" Red asked "well actually it's something only Serena can do" I told them "of course what is it Y/N?" She asked "....BAKE ME SOME MACAROONS PLEASE!!! I HAVEN'T EATEN SINCE YESTERDAY I'M STARVING!!!" I wailed "you little! YOU'VE BEEN LYING TO US THIS WHOLE TIME! WE THOUGHT YOU HADN'T EATEN IN MONTHS AND NOW YOU TELL US YOU HAVEN'T EATEN SINCE YESTERDAY!" Red yelled "I'm sorry ok!" I told him "you better be!" He growled, Clemont then ran towards us in a shirt and his underwear! He left his clothe on a bot to trick Allie. Heh I'm glad I have funny friends like him who'll always help me out when I'm in trouble. 

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