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I ran off into the forest leaving everybody else behind. Why did I do that? I should have just used Charizard's flamethrower, stupid, stupid, stupid! Tears were streaming down my face but I didn't care anymore my friends and my family, they think I'm some sort of weirdo now they're never gonna want anything to do with me ever again! By time I had stopped running, the sun had begun to set, I was deep into the forest and I didn't know how to get out so I guess I'll have to stay here tonight. It then hit me that I left my bag behind and it had my Pokémon, my Pokédex and all my other stuff in it. I have nothing except a few thousand Poké dollars and a map. "I'm such an idiot" I said to myself, I decided to sleep high up in a tree just in case any wild Pokémon appeared right now that's the last thing I need. "What am I gonna do? I have nothing except a bit of money and a map and they're practically useless out here. "I'm such a joke" I told myself I'm all by myself because of Team Rocket and that stupid serum they injected me with, it's all their fault and now I have to be an outcast for the rest of my life! My eyes began to droop before they finally shut and I went to sleep, first thing tomorrow I'll make a plan and put it into action.


I was woken up by a Pidgey landing on my head, "I'm not a bird nest get off!" I growled before it flew away, I sighed and climbed down the tree and looked at my map. Turns out I wasn't far off from Geosenge it has a load of unusual rock structures which are rumored to have mysterious powers and it's the smallest town in Kalos. If I go the right way I should be there in about half an hour. Wasting no time I started running seeing as I don't have to worry about stamina anymore. On the way I spotted a Caterpie, it was being ganged up on by some Weedles! I attacked them with ember and they scurried off but came back with a load of Beedrills! They attacked wit pin missile, I took the damage for the Caterpie and I countered with flame wheel and they all flew away and didn't come back "you'll be alright now ok? I'll take ya to a Pokémon centre, they'll be able to fix you up" I said, it crawled on my shoulder and I continued running. Like I said it did only take me 30 minutes to get there. I took the Caterpie to a Pokémon centre and told Nurse Joy what happened, she told me she'll find Caterpie a good trainer to look after it. My stomach began growling man I'm hungry, I walked into a cafe and ordered some food. It hasn't even been a full day and I've already got plans for a new life without my friends and family, guess I'm not in Arceus' good book after all.

Professor Sycamore's P.O.V.

It's been a few hours since Y/N ran away. She accidentally left her bag behind so she has nothing, however the forest she ran into is near Geosenge town maybe that's where she is now. I think if everyone goes there to confront her she'll be overwhelmed, right now she's scared and alone and doesn't know what to do. She doesn't have a clear head, she needs time to think but everyone is worried sick and looking for her, right now her friends, brother and even her Pokémon are out looking for her. "Sophie, I'm going to go help the others look for Y/N" I told her "alright would you like me to help?" She asked "if you don't mind I'd like you to stay here, in case any of the others come back or if Y/N comes here" I replied "of course, I understand" she smiled before I left and headed to Geosenge town. I just hope I'm right and I get to her before she does anything drastic!

Y/N's P.O.V.

A car parked not from the cafe, it was Augustine's car! I put my hood and put money on the table before walking out, they don't want me anymore he's probably just here for research or something there's now way he knows I'm here! "Y/N, is that you?" He asked behind me, I bolted back towards the forest, if I get there I can lose him in the trees, I'll probably lose him before I get there because of my increased stamina and my agility. The pathway to the forest was just up ahead but he was still on my trail, he doesn't give up does he?! I used vine whip to pull myself into a the tree branches and then scaled the tree. There's no way he's making it up here meaning I've lost him. Thunder rumbled out of no where and it began pouring with rain, the tree leaves didn't make a very good shelter but for now it'll just have to do for now I guess. "Y/N please come down, everyone's worried about you" Augustine called but I just ignored him, I can stay up here longer than he can stay down there. "I'm not leaving till you come down" he said sternly "then you're going to be waiting there for a very long time!" I shouted back.

"Why? Why are you hiding from everyone? I know you're scared Y/N, I don't know what you're going through but we just want to help you. We all still care about you, nothing's changed I promise. Everyone is out looking for you right now, they're all worried sick about you" he told me "how do I know you're not just saying that to trick me" I replied ".....Because I love you remember? I have since the first day we met, you care for your Pokémon in a way nobody else does. You go out of your way to help others and you're always there to give a helping hand, you feel the same way right? That's why you were angry yesterday, when I asked Kathi Lee to dinner you were jealous, Y/N I'm not tricking you or lying to you. I want to help you any way I can I don't care what it takes I'm willing to go every step of the way as long as you are! I really do love you and I absolutely care about you just like everybody else. Please, please come own" he begged. He's telling the truth, the desperation in his voice wasn't faked, it was real. I jumped down and looked at him "thank you. I promise I'll do everything I can to help you no matter what" he smiled, then the fatigue hit in. My fight with the Beedrills earlier must've drained me, I fell over but Augustine caught me "are you alright?!" He asked worriedly but my lack of energy cause me to pass out before I could reply.


My eyes began to open slowly, I had to blink a few to times to get everything into focus. I was in one of the rooms in Sycamore labs, Augustine must've brought me here after I passed out. "YOU'RE AWAKE!" Two people yelled, it was Red an Ash they tackled me into a hug and then continued to crush my lungs "we were so worried about you" Ash told me "yeah, we thought you left for good.... we thought we were never gonna see you again" Red added. "...I know I'm sorry. I just thought that... if you knew, you'd freak out, I was scared of losing you both" I told them sadly "we're not going anywhere without ya! Right Ash?" Red asked "right, you can count on it, thought you'd know that by now" Ash chuckled before I yawned "you've been out for a week how are you still tired?" Red asked "what?! I've been sleeping for a week?!" I asked "yeah, Professor Sycamore said that your body was suffering from extreme exhaustion" Ash told me "well I had a fight with some Weedles and some Beedrills. I just used ember and flame wheel because they were both fire type moves and super effective against those two Pokémon" I told em' "yeah but the day before that you used flamethrower too. We don't know how far you can go yet you shouldn't be pushing yourself to far" Red scolded me "I don't even know what I'm doing yet. This whole thing is just... overwhelming" I sighed "yeah. We'll be back in a minute we're gonna get you some food and you better be here when we get back!" Ash said before the two boys ran off. 

Augustine walked in a few seconds later, "it's good to see you're finally awake" he smiled, he looked exhausted and as though he hadn't slept in days. "Please don't tell me you've been staying up all night for my sake" I sighed, he had a guilty look on his face "Augustine-" "it was my choice and besides, I promises that I would I'll help you in any way I can no matter what" he told me "not if it includes tiring yourself out. That's not gonna help out anybody" I told him. He laughed "you're as stubborn as you are adorable" he chuckled, my face went bright red. "....What you said earlier....about loving me was it true?" I asked, he's told me so many time but I don't want to be heartbroken again, I want to love him but only if he'll love me too. "Yes, it's true. Every last word of what I said is true and I'm not taking any of it back" he told me seriously before planting a soft kiss on my lips. When he parted, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back for another kiss but this time it was longer, more emotional, more...perfect. "Took you two long enough" someone chuckled, it was Red and everyone else was there too! "Er..." we both said in an embarrassed tone "we'll give you two some alone time" Sophie laughed before everyone left the room. "For a second I forgot they were here" I laughed "same here, you should get some more rest you're still tired" he told me I went to say something but he practically read my mind "don't worry I'm going to sleep here to" he chuckled before joining me in the bed. "Sweet dreams Y/N" I heard him say before he kissed the top of my head and I went back to sleep. I almost lost everybody I cared about today. But now I know I'll never have to worry about something like that ever again! 

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