The Aura Storm

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After Korrina defeated her grandfather's Blazekin he allowed her to get the Lucarionite so Lucario could Mega Evolve. We then exited the cave so Korrina could Mega evolve Lucario, I won't lie I was hyped this gonna be one of the coolest things ever! Korrina gave the Lucarionite to Lucario and both her Key stone and the Mega stone began reacting to one another, once both the lights died down we saw Mega Lucario and it looked awesome! "Well Grandpa, we hung in there and we did it! It was worth it right?" Korrina asked, Mega Lucario started punching and kicking the air as though he was trying to feel its new found strength, whilst it was punching and kicking Mega Lucario's aura was being projected from his body creating a warm wind of some sort. "I wonder how strong its gotten now after Mega Evolving" Serena pondered, "I've been waiting for someone to ask that question" Clemont chimed before getting out yet another machine of some sort. "This machine will make you wonder no more! It will shed some light on the power of Mega Evolution, I call it the Pokémon power meter!" He exclaimed "boring but it says what it does" Bonnie sighed, Mega Lucario's power was so strong it almost broke the machine then again Clemont's machines aren't known to last very long. Korrina wanted Mega Lucario's first battle to be against Ash and Pikachu. "One Pokémon each, first one to faint loses, you know how we do by now begin" I said and so it did.

Mega Lucario started off with Bone Rush but Pikachu countered with Iron tail knocking one of the bones from Mega Lucario's hands which instead crashed into a mountain causing a small but powerful explosion! "Without using your powers who you betting on?" Red asked "50 on Mega Lucario" I replied "done" he agreed and so we continued watching the battle. "Pikachu it's time to show them your speed! Use Quick attack!" Ash exclaimed before Pikachu dashed towards Mega Lucario who dodged and use Power up punch, every time Pikachu tried dodging Mega Lucario would catch up with him without any trouble. When he landed an attack it was a pretty powerful one, I was surprised Pikachu was still ok to battle! Pikachu then electroball but Mega Lucario dodged it and attacked again with Power up Punch, after that Lucario grabbed hold of Pikachu's tail with his jaw and span him around before slamming him into the ground and kicked him back over to Ash. "What is Mega Lucario doing?" Serena asked worriedly "he's getting overwhelmed and is losing control, the Mega Evolution must be too much" I explained before Lucario went to attack both Ash and Pikachu again, I jumped in and stopped it with my protect and Mega Lucario was pushed back. That's when Korrina's Grandfather decided enough was enough and sent his own Lucario in, me, Ash and Pikachu left the battle field and instead went to the sidelines.

I used recover and Pikachu leaving me a little tired "are you ok?" Ash asked "a little tired that's all" I muttered. Mega Lucario then went back to his original form and fainted out "Lucario! What could have happened to you?" Korrina questioned, "Korrina let's go to the Pokémon centre" Ash said, right now Lucario needed rest he was exhausted and clearly something was wrong for him to be acting the way he did. "I'm so sorry Ash" Korrina said "it's alright that was a surprise for everyone and I bet it was a surprise for Lucario too" he assured her. "Trust me it's not as bad as Ash's Charizard, this happens all the time when Pokémon evolve it takes time for them to get used it seeing as they're much stronger than before it can be a little overwhelming for them" I told her. "Look on the bright side, Lucario Mega evolved, I'm sure both f you will sort this out in no time" Ash added but it won't be that simple Mega Evolution is more complicated then standard evolution but Korrina and Lucario will get through this their bond is one of the strongest ones I've seen! "Was your Lucario like that when he first evolved Grandfather?" Korrina asked "in a way, no one gets everything perfect on their first attempt but still... that battle you had with Ash earlier was hardly worthy of praise." He told her before Mr. McGinty arrived to give Korrina the Lucarionite which had now been trimmed down, he also gave her another copy of the picture as hers got burned we all had our own copies of it. 

The Lucarionite was in an arm band of some sort for Lucario to wear so he wouldn't have to carry it everywhere so it'd come in handy that's for sure! We were now waiting for Lucario to fully recover, her grandfather told us that when Lucario Mega evolves it's aura and battle instincts reach their maximum potential and that Korrina's Lucario got overwhelmed by those instincts. He then said Korrina needed to train more to makes those powers her own for the future of the Shalour gym and for Lucario's own safety, Nurse Joy walked in with a fully recovered Lucario. Korrina put the Mega Stone bracelet on Lucario before her Grandfather challenged her to a battle and claimed Korrina didn't know what Mega evolution was really about, this should be interesting "oi Red, you still owe me 50 Poké for the bet" I told him "you have to be kidding me" he replied "a bets a bet bro, you agreed to it" I stated. "For the love of Arceus here" He said before giving me the cash and we all walked out the Pokémon centre "who's Arceus?" Clemont asked "the god of all Pokémon it's complicated so don't worry about it " I told him we headed outside to the Pokémon centre's battle field, Lucario VS Lucario but which one would come out victorious?

"Of course we know what Mega Evolution is about, let's show em' how strong we've become" Korrina said to Lucario. "This will be a Mega Evolution battle" her Grandfather told her before she Mega Evolved her Lucario the her Grandfather did the same but his Mega Evolution was slightly different, a strange symbol appeared after his Lucario Mega evolved. "Watch closely guys, we've never beaten Grandfather and his Lucario before. We never really stood a chance" she said to us "yeah I hear ya. This time you will for sure and control Lucario's Mega Evolution too!" Ash exclaimed "count on it, Power up punch!" Korrina said and so the battle begun. The other Mega Lucario blocked the attack with his aura then attacked with Bone rush as did Korrina's Mega Lucario but none of their hits landed as they both blocked the attacks with their bones. "It's best you don't underestimated us, now Aura sphere!" Korrina's Grandfather said to his Mega Lucario, Korrina's Mega Lucario tried to block the attack but failed "you can do it Lucario! You're the strongest right? I know you can beat their Aura sphere!" Korrina assured her Pokémon who stood but Mega Lucario had lost control again! "Crap baskets" I muttered, Mega Lucario was told to use Swords dance but instead use Power up punch, the attack was blocked and as Mega Lucario tried to kick his opponent the other Mega Lucario dodged it again with it's aura.

Mega Lucario was told to use bone rush but ignored Korrina and lost the battle when the other Mega Lucario used Aura sphere again. "Our battle is over" Korrina's Grandpa stated to Korrina who rushed over to her Pokémon's side. "The only ones to blame for the lack of change are you two! Now Lucario, the reason why you are consumed by your aura is because of your over confidence with regard to your power attacking excessively without Korrina's command is nothing short of arrogant. And Korrina, because you allow Lucario to do just that shows you don't fully understand him, the way things are now becoming stronger is impossible. You two have spent far too much time together and because you truly believe you understand each other, you have neglected the training that would make you stronger. It's this sort of immature behaviour that is unbecoming of the Shalour gym leader" Korrina's Grandfather stated sternly. "I don't get this, I don't get this at all. We've battled so much" she sighed "why you fool! I order you to go on another training journey! There is another trainer who has guided me since I was young on Pomace mountain, this trainer's Pokémon is also a Mega Evolved Pokémon. I am certain they will teach what you need to see under the surface of Mega Evolution" he told her and Korrina accepted the training journey not that she had been given much choice she was ordered to go after all. "If you think you're going out us then you're dead wrong, we wouldn't miss for the world!" I smirked "really?" She asked "you're not the only who needs to learn a thing or two about Mega Evolution, my Charizard is capable of Mega Evolution I wanna know everything I can before he does Mega Evolve." I told her "yeah and I wanna challenge you at Pomace mountain" Ash declared, the others agreed and so off to Pomace mountain we went!

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