The Bonds Of Mega Evolution!

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We arrived at Pomace Mountain the day after we'd left, we came across a house in the Mountain, this must be where the trainer with the Mega Evolved Pokémon lives. "Hello there, I'm Korrina from Shalour city. My Grandfather told me to come and see you" Korrina called out, the door then opened with a Mawile standing behind it "so where's your trainer?" Korrina asked "over here" someone said, it was a woman who had collected a lot and I mean a lot of flowers! "Thank you for watching over the house Mawile" she said and petted her Mawile. "Oh my stars, how do you do? I'm Mable" she told us, we all introduced ourselves and told her Mable why we were here. Mable knew we were coming and wanted a demonstration of Korrina's and Lucario's strength it was Mawile VS Lucario!

Korrina started off by Mega Evolving Lucario, I'm not sure that was a good idea but ok, Mable then did the same with her Mawile. Mega Lucario started off with Power up punch but Mega Mawile jumped out the way, Mega Lucario then used Bone rush but the attack was dodged multiple times. Mega Mawile attacked with Iron head and Mega Lucario landed in front of Korrina and that's when he lost control again! He used Power up punch again but Mega Mawile finished the battle with Fairy wind before Mega Lucario's hit could land any damage, "we promise we'll do our best, please help us Mable" Korrina pleaded. Mable agreed and invited us in her house, she said that she was going to get Korrina and Lucario to make some flower arrangements and asked if we wanted to do some too but wanted us to do it with our Pokémon. I got out Charizard who was surprisingly ok with making flower arrangements and so we all got started, Clemont used one of his machine to help arrange his flowers but as always it exploded and ruined our flowers. We all started again and worked until sunset, this was a pretty fun bonding activity with our Pokémon. "Well done everyone, your arrangements are a reflection of your personalities." She told us before looking at them individually, she then told us we'd be doing the same tomorrow what's up that? 

The next day she sent us out to the mountain itself to collect flowers for our arrangements, we split up and started collecting. Charizard seems to have a thing for Hydrangea, Tulips and Irises, I picked up some Fire Lilies and some Giboshi. We took a break and sat on a rock, "this place has an amazing view" I sighed, Charizard roared quietly in agreement. This place was so calm and relaxing, it was peaceful "we should get going before the others start to worry" I said jumping off the rock and heading back to Mable's house. We then started arranging flowers until sunset again. "Everyone did great today too and I look forward to even more beautiful arrangements tomorrow" Mable said "tomorrow?" We all questioned "yes tomorrow and the day after" she replied "but we've had enough of arranging flowers" Korrina huffed. "Don't say that, I want to see the beautiful arrangements you and Lucario make when both of your hearts are one please" Mable requested and the two agreed. We continued making arrangements for the next five days but I think I understand this flower arranging activity now, in it's most basic form is so we can bond with our Pokémon and become one with each other. It must be a part of Mega Evolution which is why it's the only Mable has told us to do. 

Later that day it wasn't hard to tell that Korrina's and Lucario's arrangement was the best, it was made up of the same beautiful white flowers but it still looked amazing and Mable seemed to have the same thought. After eating we then headed to the rooms we were staying in, "if I have to arrange one more group of flowers I'm going to scream! Seriously I know they're pretty and everything but still" Serene whined "I like it! I'm having so much fun" Bonnie said "I wonder why Mable has us arranging flowers day after day" Ash thought "well she must have a good reason for doing it but what?" Clemont asked "it's a kind of bonding activity" Red answered "bonding activity?" They all questioned "yeah it's so we can become one with our Pokémon. It makes sense that something like that would be a key part of Mega Evolution you can't just understand each other, you have to think the same, act the same, view things the same way. Two view points, heart which you then need to transform into strength that's the mos important part of Mega Evolution that's what Mable has been trying to show us all this time" I told them before we heard a loud crash and Mawile and Pikachu were now missing.

We ran outside to see what was going on, "what happened?" Korrina asked as she and Mable joined us "we don't know but whatever it was took Pikachu and Mawile" I explained before we heard three familiar laughs. It was Team Rocket! Attached to the bottom of their balloon was a box containing Pikachu and Mawile, so it was them who kidnapped the two, why am I not surprised? "To keep our reputation in tact we'll take your Pokémon from you" Jesse said "and Lucario too" James added before firing a hook thingy at Lucario who dodged it effortlessly. Lucario jumped upwards and Mega Evolved, maybe this time Lucario will stay in control. Mega Lucario started off with Power up punch on Pumpkaboo but Inkay used Psybeam which knocked Mega Lucario backwards. Mega Lucario dodged the attacks from both opposing Pokémon before landing in front of Korrina and lost control again! But as he dashed off for another attack Korrina got in front of him and stopped his attack and started talking to him, after a few minutes Mega Lucario seemed to calm down and was back in control! Mega Lucario went to counter Inkay's Psybeam but instead dodged Pumpkaboo's shadow ball and the Psybeam hit Pumpkaboo instead, Mega Lucario then attacked with Bone Rush destroying the cage and freeing Pikachu and Mawile.

"We're not gonna take that lying down" Meowth hissed "no isn't that a coincidence neither are we. Mawile Mega Evolve" Mable said to her Pokémon, once Mega Evolved both Mega Lucario and Mega Mawile were ready to finish this battle! Mega Mawile attacked with Fairy wind and Mega Lucario attacked with Aura Sphere which was a brand new move for him! Team Rocket blasted it off again and that was the end of that! "Lucario we did it!" Korrina exclaimed and high-fived her partner before he turned back into his normal form. The morning after we were ready to leave and continue our journey, "thank you for everything, we're really glad we came here to see you" Korrina said to Mable. "You're most welcome remember although you're now able Lucario's aura you must continue to work hard and improve" she replied "right, we sure will!" Korrina assured her "Korrina guess this is goodbye" Ash stated. "Why? We're all going to the Shalour gym so you can challenge Korrina" Serena told him "Serena's right" Clemont added. "Korrina and Lucario can control his aura so we need to train even harder, we'll get stronger and stronger before we get that badge. We'll do our very best to win" Ash said confidently. "You got that right" Red chuckled "yeah, you think we're gonna be a bunch of push overs then you guessed wrong, we'll make our battles the most exciting ones you've ever had" I added. "I can't wait! We'll see you there" she said before she skated off with Lucario running beside her. Our battle will be MEGA exciting, that I'm sure off!

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