Battling into the hall of fame!

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I was out with my Pokemon a few hours before the others for a morning jog. That and I couldn't sleep and just got bored. Charizard and Fletchling were flying above Umbreon, Eevee, Fennekin and myself, we kept jogging around the camp till sunrise. "Alright, guys! Let's go wash up and get breakfast" everyone made their own noise to show their agreement and we headed inside. After everyone had cleaned up, I made sure they were all fed before I took a shower myself. I sighed quietly as my muscles relaxed under the water, I had a few scars from the attack the other day. Thin pale lines mostly on my upper body, there was one on the edge of my jawline which was a little red compared to the others. I clenched my fists angrily as I thought back to Seidou. Next time we met, things would end very differently. I'd make sure of it. I almost screamed when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. "Sorry mon amour, I didn't mean to startle you" Augustine apologised with soft kisses to my neck. "It's fine I was just spacing out" "I noticed, you seem angry. Anything I can help with?" I shook my head gently "no. Damage is already done" his smile faltered for a few seconds, he knew what I was talking about. It's not like it was old news. "Sorry...I just-" "there's no need to apologise Y/N. I just want you to know that I'm here for you and you can come to me anytime" "thank you"I smiled. We got out of the shower and got dressed.

With Team Froakie and Team Charmander tied for points and today being the last day of camp, there needed to be one final challenge. A three VS three battle styled tournament. It'd be an interesting challenge, to say the least, not very often you see a 3VS3 battle let alone a tournament based on it. Naturally, Team Froakie and Charmander got to the final round, I'd been watching from the sidelines with Red who didn't want to take part because he felt it wouldn't be fair on the kids and I'd have to agree. It's not that the kids or their pokemon are weak it's just that we've had more experienced as are our Pokemon. After seeing each other battle they were given time to strategise. "Hey Red?" "Yeah?" "You do know the Team Rocket lamos are here right?" "The cooking staff? Yeah. It's just getting a bit sad now isn't it?" I burst into laughter before Ash and the others ran over to us. "Y/N! Red! Could you help us look for the three chefs? They took Team Charmander's Pokemon to heal them for the battle but now we can't find them anywhere!" Bonnie told us, I sighed heavily and stood up. "Ash. They've been chasing you for years yet any disguise they wear, you always fall for it. Sometimes, I can't help but think you're as dumb as they are?" "Hey! I'm not an idiot! What are you talking about anyway?" "They were never chefs, they're Team Rocket!" Red laughed "HUH!?" The elder Ketchum siblings burst into laughter yet again. "Look, let's just go find them. They wouldn't have left camp without Pikachu and he's still here. We'll split up."

Me and Red went looking into the forest whilst the others went to tell Professor Sycamore what was going on. We saw them with a cart covered by a cloth as well as a head chef. "Well lookie here. A pair of losers and a talking Rattata" Red snickered. "Who are you twerps calling losers!?" James snapped, Serena's Fennekin and Ash's Pikachu ran up from behind us. The people arrived seconds later. "Busted with a capital b" I chuckled, Pikachu jumped up and pulled off the sheet revealing the Kanto starters. Their energy was being absorbed by Leech Seed. "Team Rocket! Give it up already!" Ash shouted before the tiring threesome binned their disguises followed by their boring motto speech. "Who's Team Rocket?" Trevor questioned "bad guys who try to steal other people's Pokemon" Ash answered. "If you want to save your friends Pikachu then let's make a deal!" "Join Team Rocket we keep it real!" "Would you shut the hell up?" I glared at them fiercely. "Got a plan?" Red asked and I nodded before using smokescreen. Thick dark smoke stopped Team Rocket from seeing a thing, Bunnelby used dig and rocketed the cart into the air. Froakie and Serena's Fennekin emerged from the smoke with a surprise assault. Froakie attacked with bubble which stuck Team Rocket's Pokemon in place and Fennekin attacked with scratch breaking the vines slightly. Froakie finished them off with cut and Team Rocket was sent blasting off again with Pikachu's Thunderbolt. With Pokemon and trainers reunited there was only one thing left. The final battle between Team Froakie and Charmander!

It was sunset by the time everyone had gathered at the beach again. Within only a few minutes, Pikachu, Fennekin, and Chespin were already looking tired. "Man. Gotta give it to em, Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna are really strong" Red stated and I nodded in agreement. "Got that right, their rhythm is on a completely different level and in a short time period too. It's really amazing" I smiled. Bulbasaur started charging solar beam whilst Squirtle attacked with Aqua Tail, Fennekin tried to counter with hidden power but it didn't work and ended up fainting. Now it was three VS two. Pikachu dodged a Flamethrower and a Solar beam whilst Chespin used Vine whip to help avoid another attack. Thunderbolt finished Charmander and Electro ball finished off Bulbasaur. Squirtle was the only one left, they countered with Aqua tail which Pikachu dodged and another Thunderbolt wrapped everything up. "Alright! Way to go guys!" I grinned. Along with the hall of fame, there was a firework display to celebrate the camp's success. As the fireworks fired off, I leaned against Augustine slightly with a smile. "Beautiful aren't they? Just like-" "don't even think about it cheeseball" I laughed before we kissed for the millionth time.

The next morning after breakfast, everyone was packed up and ready to go. "So Shalour city huh?" I asked with a yawn "yeah. We've gotta fight Korrina and get our next badge, I'm so excited!" Ash laughed me and Red rolled our eyes with a grin, I walked over to Augustine and hugged him tightly. "I'm going to miss you" I pouted "well I'm not far away and you're free to drop in any time" he smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you soon. I promise" I smiled, I pecked his lips before I left with the squad. Shalour gym here we come!

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