Seidou Knows The Truth!?

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A/N: I know that isn't the route fourteen haunted house but it's the only haunted house that shows up in Pokémon XY anime XD

The phone went dead and I shoved it into my pocket. I joined the others, dragging red to the side. "What's going on?" He asked. "Lance needs me on another mission. Do not tell anyone and look after my Pokémon" I took off my belt which held my Pokéballs and handed it to him. "Why aren't you taking them with you?" He asked with a confused expression "they want me to leave them behind, use my abilities only. They give me orders and I follow them" I shrugged. He sighed heavily and nodded "fine. See you later then" I nodded and walked out of the gym. I would wave to walk through route twelve through Courmaline city then through route thirteen, go through Lumiose then head to route fourteen and go to that abandoned house. I sighed heavily and shook my head before I took off running, I know I wasn't supposed to go until tonight but I'm not going to sit around and do nothing! It was a good hour or so before I got to Lumiose, the sun was starting to set maybe I was right to leave when I did. I leaned against a wall panting heavily, catching my breath. My legs were aching from running for so long but it won't stop me. I'll make Seidou pay for what he's done to Lance no matter what! After a few minutes of resting, I took off again towards route fourteen. The tunnel was a few blocks away and I haven't been down route fourteen yet, it might take some time to actually find the abandoned house.

I turned a corner and bumped into someone and fell on my ass. "Ouch...Sorry about that" I grunted before looking up. "Oh hey Lysandre" I chuckled nervously "it's nice to bump into you Y/N" he joked, offering his hand which I took with a polite thanks. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" "Route fourteen. My brothers are up there waiting for me" I replied and he nodded in understanding. "Well I'll let you go, it was nice seeing you again. Feel free to visit me at my cafe sometimes" he smiled before walking off. I nodded before running through the tunnel and headed to route fourteen. It was mostly marshland, it was raining too. "Perfect place for an abandoned house" I chuckled. I couldn't run around here, one wrong step and I could sink into the mud. Slow and careful steps got me through the marshes and the abandoned house wasn't that hard to miss because it was kinda big. I opened the doors and stepped inside. "Hello? Lance?....Seidou?" I walked further in and looked around, it was dark, rain smashing against the windows was the only noise present other than my footsteps. This place was definitely abandoned. "So you came? I really didn't think you were that stupid!" Seido jumped down from a staircase and landed in front of me. "Where's Lance?" I asked sternly, Seidou just laughed "he was never here idiot! It was a trap just to get you here alone and defenceless! I didn't actually think you'd fall for it" he laughed.

"How'd you get his phone then?" I questioned, "I just stole it from him you idiot" he smirked. My phone buzzed, text from a new number. 'Y/N had to get a new phone my other seems to have gone missing. Lance.' "Well seeing as I'm already here, I'll just kick your ass instead!" I declared, Seidou burst into laughter again. "I didn't bring you here to fight. I just wanted to sway your trust in your family. Mostly your twin brother" he chucked a book in my direction and I looked at questioningly. It looked like those books we found in the Pokémon mansion back on Cinnabar island all those years ago. I looked up at Seidou but he was now standing behind me "read it. It's a real page-turner" I did what he said and opened it. The handwriting was different than the journals on Cinnabar island. 'October 10th. Project Mewtwo failed but one of the scientists who worked on that project, Dr Fuji, had also created an artificial clone. True it had failed like the rest but with new better minds, we could finally see the results of the powers of Pokémon if they were to be given to Humans.' 'January 8th. A success. A brilliant success! Two perfect Human clones with the ability to use all Pokémon abilities. One of each gender. The boy is Seidou, the girl is Y/N. However, we do have a problem. That pesky trainer from Pallet town, the one with the red cap and jacket discovered our lab and was even able to steal the girl away. After today all trace of us ever being here will be gone. A new and better lab has been founded for such research at Team Rocket HQ. Nothing will stop me, Giovanni, from taking over the world!'

I dropped the book, eyes widened. "See? You were never their sister, you were and always have been my sister. Red took you away and lied to you, his mother just agreed to it out of pity as did Oak and everyone else in Pallet town. You're a lab experiment. That injection those three morons gave you was simply to reactivate your abilities not give them to you" Seidou muttered into my ear. ".....Why should I believe you? Or this stupid book?" "Take it to Red. Get him to read and see what happens and then you'll see who you should really believe" with a snap of his fingers he was gone. I picked the book up and looked at it with a heavy sigh. My phone buzzed again. It was from Red. 'Hey. We won, staying in a hotel in Shalour. Korrina agreed to fight you tomorrow.' I put my phone away and teleported back to Shalour city. I sat on a bench and looked at the book, I really just wanted to destroy this book and forget it existed. Just forget everything that just happened with Seidou and go on like things used to be but...I know I wouldn't be able to do that. It would just build up inside me until I just shouted it out at Red out of the blue. I sighed heavily and shoved it in my pocket before standing up, I walked into the hotel and up to Red's room. I knocked on the door and a few minutes later, he opened the door. "Hey" he yawned before giving me my bag, belt and key card. "You're next door goodnight," he said before closing the door not even letting me get a word in. I sighed heavily and entered my room. I dumped everything on a chair and collapsed on the bed. I didn't get much sleep. Too much was going on in my head. I needed to talk to Red first thing tomorrow.

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