Birthday Surprise!

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I woke up by myself, I looked at the clock in the room. It was 9:30AM, I got up and felt a little dizzy must be because I haven't been moving around for a whole week. When the dizziness faded away my stomach growled "so much for Ash and Red bringing me food" I laughed before heading to the kitchen to make myself breakfast, Red was also in there eating. "Y/N" he said "good morning Red" I chirped "what are you doing out of bed?" He asked "well I'm hungry and seeing as you and Ash didn't bring me food like you said you would, I'm getting my own" I told him "you shouldn't be moving around you still need to rest" he said sternly, "I've been resting for a whole week, I don't think a little walk to the kitchen for some food is gonna kill me" I laughed before buttering my toast "ok" Red said, he got out of his seat and threw me on his shoulder and stuffed my toast in my mouth "RED! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled but because of the food in my mouth it was very muffled "nope" Red said before putting me down on my bed "eat as much as you want but until Professor Sycamore says you're ok you're not leaving this room" he told me "you're gonna stay here all day aren't you?" I asked him "yep" he replied, I sighed angrily. I'm not a baby I can take care of myself but the past few days have been crazy, he's just trying to look out for me, everyone is.

"So what happened whilst I was out?" I asked "not much, we've all been here waiting for you to wake up. We're all gonna help out anyway we can. It must be pretty cool y'know, being able to use Pokémon moves and abilities" Red said, "yeah. I just don't wanna hurt anyone with them" I sighed sadly "you won't. You're too self controlled for that and besides you've been able to controlled them so far right?" He asked "yeah I guess I have" I answered "if anything they could be useful. It seems everywhere we go there's always some kind of team trying to take over the world, destroy it or something crazy like that, as beautiful and awesome as the Kalos region is, it doesn't mean that won't happen. I bet you'll be able to help out against that kind of stuff a lot more easily, these new powers are a good thing if you see em' that way so far we haven't seen any bad side effects except from you passing out" Red told me. "You're right and that probably happened because I don't have much experience using them and I was running on empty" I laughed. "So except from the powers what else can you do?" He asked "I dunno, I can run for a long period time with out getting tired, that's pretty neat. And I think I have Xatu's power of seeing the future" I laughed "so that's how you've been winning all those bets, you cheater" he huffed. "Hehehe, hey where's Professor Sycamore and everybody else anyway?" I asked " me, maybe they're in town" he lied "you're a crappy liar" I said to him "I'm not lying, all I know is they're not here" he lied again "you're right eye twitches slightly and you have a stupid grin on your face when you lie" I told him "whatever" he laughed.

"WE'RE BACK!" Ash yelled from downstairs, I looked at Red who just stuck his tongue out. We both went downstairs to go see the others, "Y/N you shouldn't be moving about just yet, your energy levels are still dangerously low. Just rest for a few more days at least" Augustine pleaded "fine" I mumbled "where have you all been anyway?" I asked "we can't tell you it's a surprise!" Serena and Bonnie both giggled "ok?" I said questioningly, they all laughed a little making me very suspicious "ok seriously what are you lot planning?" I questioned "we all ready told ya, it's a surprise" Ash laughed. "You should probably go get some rest after all Professor Sycamore said you needed to!" Serena said before she dragged me back upstairs and took me back to my room "alright, get it" I laughed. "I know but I wanted to keep you company anyway, you've been stuck in this room for a whole week, it must be pretty lonely at times" she told me "well yeah I guess but I've been sleeping for most of it so I guess I've never really noticed it" I said. "True but I know your Pokémon have missed you a lot, they helped look for you too, they didn't stop looking until we returned them to their Pokéballs" Serena laughed. I sighed sadly "huh? What's wrong Y/N?" She asked "I've just been nothing but a burden to everybody this last week haven't I?" I asked "what?! No of course you haven't, we've all been worried about you. When you ran off we thought you'd left for good and we'd never see you again, we really missed you a lot" she told me, here eyes were starting to tear up.

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