Join Team Flare!?

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It was Lysandre! Lysandre was the leader of Team Flare! "Your powers are a new but very key element to the plan I have in store for this world" he told me "oh yeah? And what is that plan?" I asked "I plan to use a weapon in order to eliminate anyone not part of Team Flare, that way the world can return to its former beauty and begin anew" he told me, I stared at him in shock! "That's genocide!" I shouted at him, "yes it is but it is the only way to restore the world's beauty, I can't stand the thought of the world becoming uglier. People can be divided into two groups, those who give... And those who take... It's just as how the Kalos region's two Legendary Pokémon gave life and took life. I want to be the kind of person who gives... But in this world, some foolish humans exist who would show their strength by taking what isn't theirs. They're filth!" He yelled "but you just said it yourself. Not everyone is like that, there are people who try to help this world and try to do everything they can to protect, are you telling me that they also deserve to die?!" I questioned angrily "no, they don't. However I can not ensure that they won't change after the ultimate weapon has been used therefore they must share the same fate as everybody else" he told me "so what it'll just be Team Flare and Pokémon because everybody else is just as bad as each other is that it?" I asked "Pokémon... Shall no longer exist, Pokémon are wonderful beings. Humans have worked with Pokémon, and we have helped each other flourish. But precisely because of that, they will inevitably become tools for war and theft!" He replied " only see the bad in people. I'm not saying you're wrong but the way you're trying to fix it is going way too far and that's why you'll fail. If I don't stop you then you can bet my friends and brothers will, this wouldn't be the first time we've stopped somebody like you" I said to him. For a moment he changed, he had a genuine smile on his face and looked like he did when I first met him "I'm counting on it Y/N, I really am" he said before walking out.

Damn it! I need to get out of here and quickly! I tried heating my body up so I could melt the metal but it wasn't working! Maybe, I could try to talk to one of my Pokémon telepathically it's worth a shot at least. What's going on with Lysandre though? One minute he was dead set on destroying the world and the next he's hoping my friends will stop him from doing that. Something's not right and I'm gonna find out what! A long time after, the door opened and some guy came in, he wasn't a grunt but he looked important "I am Xerosic, one of the Team Flare scientists. Under orders from Lysandre I am here to present you with a choice. Join with Team Flare and use your powers to reach our goal or continue to be our prisoner and be forced to use your powers so we can reach our goal, the choice is up to you. You don't have to give an answer just yet, but there's your choice" he told me before walking out again. Looks like one way or another my powers will be used to destroy the world, I can either do it willingly and turn into a mass murderer or be forced to do it and become a tortured prisoner. That diagnosis makes the choice a simple one, I knew there were cameras in the room of course to make sure I wouldn't escape. "Alright Lysandre, I've made my choice." I said out loud.

Augustine's P.O.V.

It's been three days and I still haven't found anything about Y/N's kidnapping, I haven't heard from Red or anyone else so it seems they haven't found anything either. Her Pokémon are helping out too and they get more worried each day, her Eevee has stopped eating. We try to get her eating but she wont touch her food. I'm doing no better, I haven't slept in days I'm trying to do everything I can to try and find something, anything! It can't be helped, I've tried sleeping but I'm too worried, I hope wherever she is, she's ok.

Y/N's P.O.V.

That took less time than I though it would. "What made you change your mind?" Lysandre asked me as he escorted me to the exit. "I was thinking about what you said earlier. I realised that this is the only way to make the world beautiful again. Its done so much for me so I should start giving something back and this is how I'll do it" I answered "I see, well you made the right decision and with your help we will be able to achieve our goal. Your mission is a special and unique one however so I'll fill you in later with this." He handed me a Holocaster, it was bright orange with Team Flare's symbol on the back. "Make sure nobody sees you using it or naturally things will become troublesome" he explained. As we left the HQ, I looked around slightly. "Geosenge town?" I questioned. "Yes, this place has perhaps more history than any other place in Kalos." A car was waiting for us. "I'll take you back to Augustine, I've already prepared a cover story for your disappearance" Lysandre explained. "Right...How long has it been?" "Three days." We got in the car and headed back to Lumiose City.

The car parked outside of the lab and I got out. Lysandre had gotten out earlier at his company's building but not before giving me a letter addressed to Augustine. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I shouted, walking into the lab. "Coming....Y/N!" Augustine exclaimed as he exited one of the rooms. When he saw he me, he ran and hugged me tightly making me groan in pain slightly. "Y-you're alright!" He cried into my shoulder "hehe of course I am!" I grinned. When he broke away he carried me to the infirmary and laid me on the bed, "I can walk y'know" I laughed "I don't care. We've all been really worried, we didn't know what Team Flare was going to do to you. I'm just glad you're back. I'm going to tell everyone else the good news" he said before kissing the top of my head and leaving the room. I got my holocaster out and sent Lysandre a message telling him I was back at the Lab. He responded moments later, "good, I'll give you your mission in a few days" the message said before Augustine returned. "Everyone's on their way back now" he told me before laying next to me, I handed him Lysandre's letter. He was confused until he read it, grinning happily. "I'll have to thank him for helping you later" he laughed quietly. "PROFESSOR SYCAMORE?!" A load of voices yelled "that's them" I laughed before they all charged through the room and I was tackled into a group hug and from that day forward...Everything changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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