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The next few days were pretty busy, Zayn was starting to adjust to living with his uncles and cousins.. it's been a bit hard because of the language barrier.. but it's working out..

today they were going to go get stuff for his room.

Louis and Liam decided that the spare room they had is going to be changed into Zayn's room. So need need the supplies they need.

Zayn woke up and he got out of bed. He shuffled his way out of the room and went downstairs as he followed the smell of freshly made pancakes.

Zayn went and sat by Harry smiled at him. Louis came over and kissed his head as he placed a plate of pancakes in front of him.

Zayn smiled and ate and before he knows it they were on their way to the mall, they were getting supplies for his room. His uncle Louis and Uncle Liam had a surprise for him when he gets home, it'll be in the room when he got home.

It was Harry, uncle Louis and Zayn who went yo the mall, Niall had a big project while uncle Liam was staying back for the surprise.

They were going to different shops and getting what Zayn wanted and needed..

Zayn was talking french and he got a few many stares..

they went to the children's place and Louis was going through clothes for Zayn, while harry went to the shoe store.. Zayn went to another section of the store and was looking at the hats, Louis was not far so it was ok.

Then another little boy walked over," hey freak!"

Zayn could understand English but couldn't speak it..

Zayn looks up and just stands there," quoi?" ( t-what?)

" we don't understand what you say freak, so why don't you run away and go where you came from!" The boy says pushing Zayn, who ends up falling on his butt, hitting the edge of the counter as he fell. He let out a little cry.. looking up at the boy who looks with a smirk

He didn't want to stay close to that boy so he ran out of the store. He kept running till he ran into someone.

" woah there... Zayn what are you doing here? Where is daddy?" He hears the familiar voice say.

Zayn didn't care, he was head hurt bad he just cried. Harry picked him up holding him to his chest and try to calm him down. He sees his dad looking all around.

Harry made a wave and Louis saw him and rushed over," what happened?"

" i don't know, zayn was running and crashed into me."

" zayn, quoi c'est passé?" (T- what happened?)

" je suis cogné la tête" (t- i hit my head)

" oh bud, your ok, you'll be fine, let me see your head."

Harry turned a bit so Louis could see his head," Il est correct, rien coupé ou cassé, il pourrait être douloureux ou vous pourriez avoir un mal de tête, mais vous allez être bien." (T- it's ok, nothing cut or broken, it might be sore or you might get a headache but you'll be fine.)

Zayn just nods and digs his head into Harry's shoulder hoping it will help with the pain.

Harry rubbed his back and Louis decided that it was time for them to go home.

Harry carried Zayn to the car and got him buckled in before Louis drove them home.

They got back to the house and Louis grabbed zayn and headed in," Veux-tu voir ta chambre Ou voulez-vous le voir plus tard?" (T- do you want to see your bedroom? or do you want to see it later?)

"Maintenant s'il te plait." Zayn says with a smile he couldn't wait, even though he was hurt.( t-now please)

Louis just chuckles and went up the stairs and went into the room.

Zayn's mouth dropped to the floor, looking at his uncle liam who was sitting on the bed then to Louis.

They had gotten from his file that he loved sports especially basketball..

" Meci! Merci!" Zayn says with a big smile

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" Meci! Merci!" Zayn says with a big smile. Louis felt great he hasn't seen Zayn smile in the few days since he arrived.

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