chapter 13

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I got grounded!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't posted but that's why. I am sooooo sorry!!!



Y/n and Felix are leaving in two days. I really really really like her. I just don't know how I'm gonna tell her. But I have to tell her. I need to. But how.

I was watching T.V. in the living room and Criminal Minds was on. I decided to watch that since everyone left except for Y/n. But she was sleeping. I hope I can tell her today. Then she walked out in her pajamas and rubbed her eyes. Her hair was a little messy but it was cute. She saw me and blushed slightly and smiled.

"Mornin'." I smiled.

"Top of the mornin' to ya." She sounded tired but I chuckled and so did she.

She went to the kitchen and got some cereal. I could here the fridge open and I heard a carton of milk be set down on the counter. I'm so weird. Then she asked a question.

"You want some cereal?"

"Sure." I turned around and saw her grab another bowl.

She made the cereal. I walked up to her and grabbed the bowl of boss worthy cereal. I smiled and took a bite.

"Thank you." I turned to her as she put a spoon full of cereal in her mouth.

She smiled and swallowed.

"You are very welcome."

We walked to the living room and sat on the couch. We watched Criminal Minds, Law and Order, and Steven Universe. Weird transition of shows right? Ha. After a few hours passed, it was 3pm. Nobody came back yet. We were still in our pajamas since we didn't go anywhere. We ordered some pizza and we went online and watched some YouTube. We watched Dan and Phil, Tyler Oakley, and Superwoman. We were watching there videos for so long. A few times, our hands touched. I blushed so hard. It was embarrassing. Oh I hope she didn't notice.


It was 8pm. Everyone came back an hour ago. Turns out they were getting props for a final video with Felix and Y/n here. It's gonna be an improve challenge. We got set up and since they were leaving tomorrow, we made the video today. It was funny! Everyone was laughing and having a good time. At one point, I almost peed my pants so everyone said I should go pee so I didn't have an accident. I went and it was a good thing I did, 'cause the next thing made me laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe. Then Felix couldn't breathe, then Mark, Ethan, Ken, and then Y/n. It was hilarious. After a long time, we ended the video and edited, and posted it. It got so many views and good feedback. A lot of people were sad that Felix and y/n were leaving. So was I. I have to tell her soon. But I have to find the perfect to tell her my feelings.


The video turned out great. It was so fun. I really don't wanna leave tomorrow though. I have to go back home....and....leave Sean. I don't want to leave at all. I really want to tell him my feelings. I just don't know when.


It was 12am. I am so friggin' tired. Our flight leaves at 3pm. Why can't I go to sleep!? Ugh! I have to try. Try is all I can do. After a while, I finally fell asleep. When I woke up, it was 12pm. Wait! I have to get ready for our flight. I quickly got up and got showered and dressed. I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. Felix was all dressed and ready to leave. I already packed so I'm good on that. Felix smiled once he saw me. I smiled back and walked up to him.

"So. You ready to go home?" He sounded a little sad.

"Yeah. I think so." I was so close to crying but I didn't.

Everyone came out and we left for the airport. Once we got there, we sat down for a long time waiting for our flight to be called. We all talked about random things. Then our flight got called. We all hugged. Sean and I hugged longer though. Now I was crying. Then Felix and I started to walk away. Why can't I tell Sean my feelings!?!?!? We were walking away, when I heard an Irish voice call my name. I turned around.

"I....uh....I....have a....good trip back home." He smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Then Felix and I walked to get our flight. This is it. We're going home. But, this isn't so bad. We can always come visit. After a long time though. I wish we didn't have to leave. But this is how it has to be. I mean....things happen for a reason right?


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Bye.   :)

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