A Day in the Life of Gary

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(Gary's pov)

Mwahaha! Take a gander at this Ashy-boy!" I said laughing proudly.

"Whoa! Gary you made an 100!? I guess you really were a genius! I made a lousy 0." Ash replied.

"See, I told you you didn't stand a chance against me Ashy-boy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a plane to catch. Smell ya later!" I said.

I made my way to the airport, surrounded by all of my cheering fans.

"Gary Gary he's our man if he can't do it, no one can!" They cheered.

"Thank you, thank you all!" I said, waving back at them.

We pulled into the airport and I was escorted in. Everything was perfect, until we got to the terminal.

"Wha-what!? What are you doing here!?" I asked angrily.

Ash was standing in the terminal about to board the plane.

"Sorry Gary, it looks like there's been a mistake, you made the zero." Ash said laughing.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my exam, it had a 0 on it!

"No, no this isn't real!" I said.

"Smell ya later, Gary!" Ash said, laughing even harder.

Suddenly, the floor disappeared beneath me and I started to fall.



"Uggg, what the?" I said as I groggily opened my eyes.

I sat up and looked around. Apparently I had fallen out of bed.

I sighed.

"Ah, a dream. Of course it was a dream." I said, getting up off of the floor.

There was a knock on my door.

"Gary, breakfast is ready. Hurry up and get down here before it gets cold." Said my older sister Daisy.

"Alright, thanks sis." I replied.

It's been a week since the beginning of school. Things have been going alright I guess. Nothing is really going bad, yet nothing that particularly good. I'm attending Pallet Town High, the local public high school. I can't say it was my first choice, but as you may already know, I kinda blew it on that.

Speaking of which, ol' Ashy-boy seems to be fitting in quite well over at his ritzy new school, considering how he hasn't talked to any of us since he got there. It's not that big of a deal though. Knowing his track record in academics, he's in for a pretty rough ride. I'm sure he's busy studying or something.

I wonder if he met that Princess yet. Naw, there's no way. She's probably pretty snooty and would probably only hang out with the other rich kids.

Ashy-boy has got to be pretty miserable over there.

"Gary, hurry it up!" Yelled Daisy.

"Alright already, I'll be down in a second, sheesh!" I yelled back.

I finished getting myself together and headed down stairs. I could smell fresh pancakes, my absolute favorite. When I got into the kitchen, there was my sister sitting at the table on her laptop. Mom had already gone to work it seems. I took a seat and dug into those amazing pancakes.

"So, have you heard anything from Ash yet?" Daisy asked.

"Nope, not a thing." I replied while chewing.

"I'm sure he's just busy. You haven't exactly had a lot of free time yourself." Daisy said.

"Yeah you're right, the weekend is coming up soon so maybe I'll hear from him then." I said.

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