Chapter 1/ the begining to the cold finish line

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Y/N=your name
H/C=hair color
L/N=last name
H/L=Hair length

Damian/robin POV:

I was in Gotham city with the bats patrolling to see if there was anything fishy going on. The night before we had gotten a television message from the clown himself saying that he was planning something...Something BIG.

"My scanner's picking something up. Stay here as lookout while I go check it out." Bruce said in his phony raspy voice.
I nodded in response and began hopping from building to building. As my cape was catching wind I closed my eyes in pleasure as the cold wind had hit my face. Suddenly my pleasurable feeling was interrupted by my help signal coming from the bats. "!..." The panick took over my body as the signal was breaking up. I tracked down the location of his signal and hopped on my motorcycle.


It was dark. That was all that my mind could think up right now. I had felt alone,bathed in darkness as a door had swung open flooding the room with light. A man had slowly walked in. My vision Was very blurry, I couldn't see much of his features, all I noticed was that his skin had been quite pale. "Helllooo there darling, welcome to me casa!!" The man said walking towards me with what seemed too be a smile growing on his face. "What's wrong cat got your tongue?" He had said after a moment of silence. "Dont worry sweetheart , you are very VERY important in my plan and I would never let anyone set a finger on you!" He walked over caressing my H/L H/C hair. Out of nowhere hot tears streamed Down my face with no halt coming near. Apparently the odd blurry faced man had noticed as I felt rough fingers wipe the tears away. "Oh honey, no need for me, in a couple minuets you won't have feeling or memories to have outcomes such as petty tears!" Without time to process the words that had flowed into my ears, I was being strapped to a chair . my arms had been set on the cold metal handles of the chair as they were strapped with leather bands. " trust me...I've been in worst pain." The man said before electricity bolted through my body as a mask was placed on my face. Coming from the mask was a strange green gas that I had inhaled multiple times. My eyelids started to feel heavy and slowly came to a close. Once again ... Darkness. Nothing but the last stinging words I had heard still fresh in my mind as the bath of darkness had continued on.

💗love you all!!!!!

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