Where does life end and death begin?

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I didn't draw the picture above!!! It was on Pinterest. Idk who did.

Let's pause for a second.
Take a breath.
Now let's see things in a bigger picture shall we?


I'm stuck in a never ending room inside my head with a psychopath in control over my body, it's systems, and every action it takes while being torture by said psychopath with physical pain and emotional trauma.

Are we all caught up?
Just wish someone who could actually help me could hear everything I'm saying. Yes I'm saying all this shit out loud. I've been stuck in here for who knows how long with you know what kind of circumstances, what'd you expect to happen to my mental state?
You think I was gonna be all fine and dandy? That I was gonna laugh and smile and act like nothing has happened to me?!
I need some chocolate.


"Anyone up for some coffee?"
The second I shouted those words I could've sworn I saw a twinkle in Y/N's eyes. Something... I don't know. She didn't even flinch at the impact of my fist on the table. Big change from the Y/N we first met. I'll let it go.for now.
"I need answers. Now! I'm not gonna just casually go into some small talk after you've been asleep for who knows how long?"
"U-uhhh... I-..."
I stood there getting impatient. I've had a lot of crap to deal with today and my patience was hanging in a thread.
"Mr. Wayne... I don't know what you want me to say. It's a miracle I guess. Jesus has blessed me!!!"
Y/N said with maybe a little too much enthusiasm. She stood there with this smile...this chilling smile that made the tension in the room grow thicker. Something was off.
"I never took you as the religious type Y/N"
"You know me..."
"Uh... sure"
"Anyway, take a seat, you must be exhausted or sore."
I glanced over at Damian. He seemed bewildered and annoyed with the whole situation. I guess the hatred for being left out of a loop of information runs in the blood.
"So, Y/N, do you... remember anything?"
"Nope. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. No."
Y/N said hastily. I'm not an idiot. Something's going on, but I can't let her know that I'm aware of her suspicious behavior.
"Well then, what do you say we get you some clothes, a bed, and some nice refreshing beverages?"
"If you say so chief!"

Alfred POV
What did I expect, a normal day?
Maybe a lovely meal with some freshly made tea?
Maybe even a nap?
Asking for too much?
I'll just shut up and attend to the guest.
I'm not mad.
Just disappointed.
And hungry.

Despite the Demon(Damian x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt