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Behind the sound of shuffling you can faintly hear the small ticks of silverware tapping glass plates as all three of us eat breakfast in silence. Across from me is Y/N. One seat away from Y/N is Damian. Alfred insisted on cleaning while we eat.
I glance up every now and then at Y/N.her eyes are fixated on a single fried egg that lays in the center of her plate. The yolk slowly spilling out of it. Her face is eerily blank and her hand twitches every now and then. The light from the window behind me shines on her eyes but she doesn't seem to care.
If she weren't physically moving and able to speak logically I'd declare her brain dead.
I glance over to my right at Alfred who stands in the kitchen. He looks back and I nod. Last night we spoke in private. We agreed that it would be best to do some tests without Y/N's knowledge. Not a moment past before Alfred is off. I figured in the state thatY/N was in at the moment, she wouldn't even notice a tiny prick. Alfred swiftly walked behind Y/N and pulled out a needle. Before the needle was able to come into contact with Y/N, her hand was wrapped around Alfreds wrist;her eyes still focused on the egg. Alfred froze and looked at me. Damian was now fully alert. I glanced at his as a way of saying it was alright. It's worse than I thought. Her grip had visibly tightened before relaxing and letting go. Alfred has looked back at me for guidance. I lightly shook my head,telling him to not continue. He put his needle back and walked out the door.

Two hours later

"Dick,please,don't make this complicated. Just get in and out. I know you're busy but this could be bigger than we thought. Dick I don't have time for this!"
"He hung up. Fucking brat"

"And who raised him?"

"Damian not now.Out."

"I could help"


He took a couple steps forward

"I could help Bruce,you know I'm more than qualified to go out on my own. It's what saved your ass from who knows what!"

"Do not talk like that Damian! You're too young for such profanity."

"Oh please *insert eye roll*"

"Plus, I have it covered"

"Yeah sure you do"

*glare and finger point towards entrance* "Out.Now."

After Damian left I let out a heavy sigh.
"Sir,your meeting at 9:30 is minutes away,shall we prepare?"
"Yes. Thank you Alfred.I'll get dressed now."

Author:ok so a few things. I'm back. Sorry.
And um I have realized that most places say that Damian is fairly young...like 13 or something so we're gonna make him 15-16 ish in this story. Or however old you imagine him as. Your choice. And I also realized that I have been called Y/N "she" and "her" the whole time. If you wish for me to make it gender-neutral please tell me and i will get on it.
Sorry I left this chapter on such a weird note I just need to situate a few things in the other chapter before I can continue.
I know the story is getting weird.I'm sorry for not giving you the best. Feel free to give me criticism and I will try my best to give a great story. Update time might still be a bit weird but I'll try to keep it under a month each chapter😉
Thank you for sticking around. I'm sorry for leaving you 😣👌

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