Clowns and mommy issues

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Damian POV

3:35 Am

I hear a loud bang in the kitchen causing me to jolt awake. I rubbed the sleepiness from my eye before I remembered why I was awake. I ran to the kitchen to see what happened, and there stood a monstrosity. There was glass covering the entire floor, knives in the ceiling, and smashed tomatoes on the wall. I look around cautiously for whoever caused this. I pause when I hear giggling near the refrigerator. I look up and see Y/N staring at me from the top of it. Her eyes are wide open and bloodshot. Her mouth is twisted into this sick grin. And on her nose lays a single tomato, dripping down her neck and onto the floor. Sudden laughter bursts from her mouth as she shouts "DAMIAN,I'M A CLOWN! GET IT?" She points to the tomato on her nose as she's wheezing from all of her laughter.

Damian stood there the entire time, speechless. He was speechless because not that long ago, this girl was living a normal life. And now she's on top of his fridge laughing about a tomato she stuck on her nose, surrounded by other squashed tomatoes, glass, and knives. He's watching her closely for any sudden movement, and then he sees what she's trying to do. She pushed herself against the wall and is now shaking the fridge backward and forwards. Damian quickly slides underneath it as it begins to fall with Y/N on it. As he's underneath the fridge, Y/N stands on top of it, laughing hysterically. "BRUCE!" I stood there waiting for him to run into the kitchen, but to no avail. This isn't like him. He's not a very heavy sleeper. He should've been awake by now.

"ALFRED!" Same results. Damian twists his head up to look at where Y/N is hovering over the fridge to stare at Damian. "What the HELL did you do to them?!" Laughter was the only answer I got out of her. I was fed up and I slid from underneath the fridge and grabbed Y/N's arm so that I could get her in a lock. "So tell me again what you did to my family!"
"W-what's happening? Where am I?"
This soft tone definitely wasn't the voice I was talking to earlier.
I didn't have time to care at that moment though as I remembered that Alfred and Bruce could be hurt.
With hesitation and a lot of thought, I decided the best thing to do with Y/N right now(and the only thing I could do) is to...ya know. I interrupted her cries with a blow to her head to make sure she wouldn't go anywhere. She slept peacefully on the fridge afterword. I'm sure she'll be fine.
I didn't know what else to do and I'm in a bit of a hurry.

I sprint towards Bruce's room first(which was closest) and couldn't find a trace of him. His bed was still made and his closet seemingly untouched that day. I inspected it one more time and in the corner, I found some dirt. It doesn't sound like a lot but it could be something. I sped walked towards Alfreds(someone please tell me why it keeps autocorrecting to alfredo(???))and got the same results. I run to the kitchen to get a ziplock bag(because once again, the only thing I could do) and paused for a second when I noticed something.
Y/N was gone.

At this point, I knew something definitely wasn't right here so I decided to head to my room for a weapon to at least defend myself from what may come. "Damian". I froze and snapped my head around.
"Mother. I knew it was only a matter of time."
"And how is my son doing?" she took a couple of steps forward and in return, I took a couple backward.
"What did you do to everyone?"
"Well I didn't do anything" a grin began to grow on her face.
"Who are you working with?"
"Sadly, someone without an off switch. Oh wait, he does have one, but I'll save that for after we are done."
I sprint towards my room and get there just in time to close and lock the door before she gets there. I grab the sword I always keep in my closet and sneak out the window. I hear mother's voice in the distance as I run away.
" Oh Damian, you really thought it was going to be that easy? Playing Cat and mouse isn't fun unless the mouse runs sweetheart."

        The cold Gotham air nips at my nose as I sprint down the sidewalk to find someone who might help.
I'm given looks because of my sword but I'm not the one who willingly woke up at 3:00 Am and decided to go for a walk. I didn't have a choice. They did. Who in their right mind does that? I eventually make it to an apartment building I have been studying for a while and run inside. I sprint to room 43, bang on the door hastily , and wait for a response. "Dick, I know you're in there." I hear some mumbling before the door opens and I'm met with Grayson. He stares at me and I stare back, not understanding what he's doing but hoping eventually he'll- Jason?! Dick moves to the side and the one and only Jason Todd is sitting in his living room.
"Hey brat, how ya been?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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