Rampage and tears

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Dry I haven't posted in a while. I've been stuck so this chapter might be worse than the others.❤


I've never been more terrified in my life. Compared to what I feel like now, the "being strapped down to a chair and inhaling green gas" thing was nothing.

Or maybe it was something.

Bruce's POV

I would say that I was terrified right now...correction, should.
But I'm not.
I've seen it before.
Y/N's face slowly became extremely pale to the point where I thought she got all the life sucked out of her.
Her lips became inhumanely red in which a sickening laugh escaped out of.
Along with that her eyes became a familiar green.
A green that sent shivers up my spine.
"Good. You should be scared"
Her voice was higher, a giggle escaping every now and then.
It wasn't her.
"I'm not scared"
I decided this was a good opportunity to distract her and call for the boys help with a button hidden in my pocket.
"Ah.ah.ah" Y/N scolded
"Not happening batsy"
Before I could think I was put in a headlock while continuously being kicked in the shin.
I grabbed her arms and flipped her causing her to groan in pain.
"H-help m-m- HAHAHAHA"
It sounded like she was trying to say something before she erupted with laughter.
But she was crying...and they weren't tears from the laughter.
I called the boys over And held Y/N down while they got here.
"Hey Bruce what's going o-"
Damian was interrupted when Y/N started laughing uncontrollably while she simultaneously cried her eyes out.
"No need to explain, I'll get the bed and medicine ready. Grayson, Get something to knock her out with."
"Aye Aye captain."
Y/N was still crying, no more laughter.
She looked like she was ready to die ready about now.
I wasn't going to let that happen.
I know this isn't her.

Despite the Demon(Damian x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ