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I tried to find out what was wrong win John but there was no hope, he just ran off. Everyone back at the Schuyler mansion claimed to not know anything but Lafayette and Hercules kept looking worriedly at each other, like they knew something.


The next day I was attending my temporary college for whilst I was in New York, the whole group went to there so that was fantastic. I wasn't nervous, I was sure that I would be the smartest there.
I got out of the house without even taking to my cousin, pretty sure that he was high and joined the Schuyler's on their way to the college.
We met up with Laf and Herc in the corridors but there was no John. I was worried but decided not to bring it up and bother everyone else. Maria Reynolds, Eliza's girlfriend, joined us she seemed nicer that last time I met her.
Someone walked past is head down, he had fluffy brown hair knocked up into a ponytail and he was wearing a jacket spotted with mini turtles, he looked just like John...too much like John....it was John!
Lafayette clearly noticed John and ran over to him but he just quickened his pace, head still looking at the ground. Laf was now chasing him, shouting his name now and then. Eventually Laf caught up with him and grabbed his arm. I couldn't see what but something made Lafayette gasp loudly and wrap John in a hug. Worried, I ran over to John but as soon as he saw me he whimpered and ran away. "Just leave him, I think he needs some alone time." Lafayette said in his thick French accent.
The whole day I worried constantly about John, something was wrong with him, he didn't even sit with us at lunch.
We were all about to head to Starbucks at the end of the day when I saw John sat on a bench drawing something, hood pulled tightly over his head. Without a second thought, I ran over and sat next to him. "John?" I asked and he tensed up. "Alexander?" He asked. His voice was broken, full of pain, it sounded so much like he had been crying. "John, you sound like you've been crying." He shrugged his shoulders and just said "no." This whole time he didn't lift his head up once. "John look at me." He didn't, just stared blankly at the floor. Without hesitation, I reached out and lifted his head up, utterly shocked at what I saw. John bad bruises all over his face and neck. His eyes were bulging and red. Terrifying pain was the only Hong to describe his face.
In an instant he snapped back and started at the floor again before getting up and running. I was shocked, unable to move, paralysed even. I didn't know what had happened and that hurt, it hurt me. I cared about John and I couldn't stand to see his beautiful self in pain. Once I had regained movement I set off after John, eventually finding him hunched over in an alleyway, crying painfully. I ran over and wrapped my arms around him, engulfing him in a warm hug. He flinched at first but then leant into my chest and sobbed some more "shhhh, it's okay, I'm here, you're safe."
After a while John calmed down, "John what happened?" He looked at me and gulped. "I-I g-got in a f-f-fight, yeah I got in a fight." He was clearly lying, "John please tell me the truth." He shook his head and closed his eyes tightly. "John," I sighed and looked at his frail body. "Please Alexander, don't talk, please." So I didn't talk, I let him softly whimper and cry into my chest. We sat like that for ages, it was nice, I hadn't truly realised it until then but John Laurens was the person that I was in love with, I was in love with him.
Of course he would never love me, who would love me?
Eventually John settled down and looked at the ground silently, it was a painful silence.
"I'm so sorry Alexander." John whimpered and I instantly said back, "John, you shouldn't be sorry for any of this. It's not your fault." He looked at me with more tears ready to flow out and whispered to himself "but it is." I had an excellent sense of hearing though and I could hear anything, "why would you say that John? How's it your fault?" His face was boiling with anger and sadness at the same time and it was only a minute before he snapped, "because I'm a fag!" He screamed at me, "I'm a dirty little fag..." He did the last part much quieter as if he was exhausted. I was never speechless but this time was different, I couldn't think of anything to say, there was nothing to say. "John, what do you mean? Since when did you think you were a..a-a ya know?" He gulped and shrugged his shoulders. Horrible silence engulfed us again and when I looked back at John he was rocking back and forth restlessly. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he flinched and jumped away from me. "John calm down." He didn't. Alex quickly acted and hugged John, he flinched again and tensed up before melting into the hug.
"John who said you were a-a f-fag?" It pained Alex to say the word.
"No one." John shook his head rapidly before getting up and running hastily away from Alex.
What Alexander didn't know was that the previous night part of John's abuse was because his dad found his testosterone and forced him to admitting he was transgender. John did. John accidentally let it slip that he was gay. Both confessions were deemed sins in his fathers eyes. To his father John was still Joan and Joan was now a faggot.



I couldn't take it any more I just ran away. Alex was kind for comforting me but he was probably just doing it out of pity, right?
I ran home, not caring if my Father was in and slammed the door shut.
To my dismay my father was there. I scanned the room only to find another large man stood by my Father. He had a black hoodie on with the hood wrapped around his large head. He was huge, almost towering over my father.
"Joan, I think it's time that you realise you are a girl. My friend ,Charles Lee, will help you realise." Father looked worried...worried for me? Like he was guilty for something really bad. I could hear him gulp as he locked the door when he walked out. 
My heart was beating faster than ever before, what was happening?
I walked backwards trying to get away from Charles only to find a wall. He walked slowly over to me and practically pinned me up against the wall. "W-what are y-you doing?" Was all I could manage to get out before he slammed his lips and hips into mine. It all happened so fast and before I knew it he was grinding against me. I screamed for help only the shut up by his tongue in my mouth.
I shouted for help multiple times but no one came.
I was being raped by this stranger?
I was alone.
I was vulnerable.
I was helpless.

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