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This is the final chapter (excluding the epilogue) !!!!

Guys I'm just saying,,,I'm v sorry in advance,,,,be prepared,,,,this ending is pretty intense!


The whole thing with Alex and Eliza had stopped, she had moved on to a dude called Thomas Paine, Angelica was very jealous, she had liked him for ages but refused to tell Eliza; knowing that she would just give up her relationship to please Angelica.

Alexander was staying in the Caribbean for three days to do some work stuff that I didn't understand so I was alone, well that's what I thought.

I was walking to the library, my home, when I felt that someone was following me. I turned round and no one was there, so I just dismissed the thought.

Throughout the whole day I had the feeling of being followed, sometimes I could even hear footsteps behind me; so when I reached my dorm I flopped on the bed and sighed, completely relieved that nothing had happened.
I was just watching Netflix until I was interrupted by three booming knocks at the door. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and opened the door.
I gasped at who was standing outside.
My father.
"Hey, Joan." He said with a wicked smile plastered on his face. He was drunk, very drunk. I could tell by the way he was standing, the way he was acting and ,of course, the strong smell of alcohol that consumed him.
I was terrified beyond belief, when my father was drunk bad things were certain to happen, very bad things.
I moved back, my heart pounding.
"W-what do you w-want." I stuttered out, trying to sound strong but failing miserably.
"Just wanted to see how you're doing." He slurred out, he stumbled in the room and fell on me. I was almost crushed by his unbelievable weight but managed to still stand and throw him off my shoulder.
"Get out," I said, coming off a bit stronger than before.
"Shut up, my lovely daughter always wants to see me." He mocked, making the blood in my veins stir.
"No, your daughter is always happy to see you. But your SON is not so get your ass out!" I cried, amazed at how loudly I said that, not stumbling one bit.
He didn't say anything just brought his huge hand down on my face harder then he had ever done, I winced in pain and fell back.
"Why are you so annoying for fucks sake!" He shouted, slurring every other word "why can't you just be a good darn daughter for once! Why can't you get a boyfriend and go get me some fucking grandchildren, maybe they'll turn out better then you!"

I tried to ignore what he was saying but deep down I knew it was true. It hurt.

My father stared at me like I was spit on the floor, a punch, a kick, a slap, a punch, a kick, a slap.

"Please stop! Please father! Stop! It hurts!" I screamed out over and over but he didn't stop.

"It's what you deserve, Joan!" He shouted.

As more of the beating inflicted me I kept repeating in my head, 'it will all be over soon' and 'it's only what you deserve'

I was crying by then, sobbing. This was the worst beating he had ever given me.

He was stumbling about everywhere, falling over me.

The next events happened so fast I can barely remember it. I glanced at my father and he had something strange in his hands. I recognised it as a brick. I gasped and tried to roll away but it was too much pain to move.

"Help!" I screamed, the loudest I could muster "Help me! Help!"

My father stormed over and laughed before he slammed the brick on my head.

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