Smart allic

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Everyday of training was the same. We were to be up by eight every morning we got breakfast, then laps, push ups, lunch, more laps, then shooting practice, hand to hand combat, obstacle courses, more laps then dinner.
It was just after lunch and we were doing the routine laps. Like usual I was ahead of all the other guys with Bucky not far behind. We were getting close to the flag pole with the US army flag on it.
"HALT!" Colonel Pines yelled and we all stopped.
"Yes, sir." The troops all said half heartedly.
"NO ONE HAS GOTTEN THAT FLAG IN 17 YEARS FIRST MAN TO GET THAT FLAG GETS A RIDE BACK WITH AGENT ATWELL!!" He boomed. All the guys including Bucky ran at the flag pole trying desperately to get the flag.
I stood back and watched. There was no way any of them could get it. The pole was simply far too thin to climb. The only way to get the flag wasn't to climb it but to bring the pole itself down.
I stepped up to the flag pole. I stooped down and pulled out the part that held the pole up. The flag pole crashed to the ground. I plucked off the flag and handed it to Colonel Pines. He stared at me in awe.
I just smiled. "Well I got the flag didn't I?"
"You did." He mumbled in awe.
"Right so I get to ride back with Agent Atwell." I got into the back of the jeep.
"What the?" I heard Pines say in awe. Bucky was smirking. As well as Lizzie.
"You're quite the smart allic." She commented.
"So I am." I replied happily. The military had its perks.
A little while later we were doing hand to hand combat. So far every man I went up against I beat.
Currently John Filch and another man Quincy Downs were going at it. John Filch was the typical awful man who thought himself better than everyone else. Quincy had just punched him in the gut and John fell to the dirt once again. The other guys snickered and laughed.
"He's a bloody awful fighter." I said to Bucky. Bucky laughed.
"Hey John you sure you ain't a girl?" I called at him. He stood brushing dirt off himself.
"Want to check?" He called back.
"Ooh charming." I said sarcastically.
"So you do want to check?"
"Don't have to its clear you're a girl you can't fight." I retorted.
"You do realize you're a girl right?" John snapped.
"Ooh you're right but I'm a rare girl who isn't obsessed over boys." I said.
"I'm not a girl!" John protested.
"You sure like getting beat up by them." I retorted.
"I can take you." John challenged.
"You sure?" I taunted, "you won't cry when I punch you in the jaw again?"
"Are you sure you can actually fight?" John taunted.
"I've fought men with hands bigger than your swollen head." I snapped. John got into a poor fighting stance.
"Lets go then."
I stepped into the ring. John threw the first punch. I dodged easily. He went to trip me, I jumped his leg.
I then round house kicked him. He screamed a little and fell to the dirt again. Quickly however he got up and swung at me again. I dodged again and punched him in the face.
He punched me this time he succeeded and I was struck in the nose. I felt the blood trickling slowly down my face. He went to hit me again this time in the cheek. He succeeded. He went to hit me again but I slid underneath him. With his back turned I jumped on his back and tackled him to the ground.
I held his arm behind his back. "Do you surrender?" I snarled.
"Yes! Yes for Gods sake let go!" He screeched. I got up. I went back and stood next to Bucky.
John held his arm. "Blimey! I think she's broke it!" He cried. The other soldiers were laughing hysterically.
"You got beat up by a girl, that's gotta hurt." Quincy laughed. John glared before running off.
I was lifted into the air. Nobody really likes John. He was pretty rude and the jerk of the camp.
"Let's hear it for the Smart Alic!" Bucky cheered.
I just smiled.

"I'm proud of you doll." Bucky said at dinner that night.
"Why thank you." I said.
"Yeah, you ain't bad princess." Quincy Downs complemented.
"Thanks." I replied.
"She's great for a gal, she's pretty and can snap a bone! Tell me Barnes where'd you find a gal like her?" Another man Ryan Maze exclaimed.
Bucky smiled proudly and put an arm around me. "Brooklyn, boys." He said.
"Someone hail me a taxi!" Ryan shouted.
"She's the greatest ain't she?" Bucky asked looking at me and smirking.
"She is, better watch it Barnes someone might steal her from ya." Quincy said.
The only one not in high spirits was John Filch he sat alone glowering at us.
He was usually the roar of the party. No one liked him much but he told great stories. John was probably enraged not to be the center of attention right now. No one seemed to care other than the occasional taught or piece of bread thrown at him. I have to say I loved it here and I fit in better than I thought I would.
Later that night I was sound asleep in my cabin. I got a separate building to sleep in to prevent problems. I wasn't allowed in the men's sleeping room and they weren't allowed in mine.
That's when I felt myself being pulled off my bed. I immediately thought it was Bucky but who ever this was was being really rough. Bucky always held me like I was a flower.
Pretty soon I was slammed against a wall. My eyes fluttered open. I couldn't breathe.
"Who are you?" I managed to croak it was pitch black I couldn't see anything.
"That hurts doll you don't know me?" It was John's voice.
"John." I whimpered.
"Not so tough now are you? This is pay back for embarrassing me and making me lose my popularity." John snarled.
"You can't lose something you've never had." I managed to choke out. "Why haven't you tried to beat me up with everyone else around?"
"Cause stupid Barnes is always watching you like a hawk. But he ain't here now is he?"
"You're afraid of Bucky?" I said. Even though I was being strangled I found this amusing.
John dropped me and I fell to the floor. I gasped for air. John however wasn't done with me. He kicked me in the face.
I winced.
"Come on Rogers get up and fight!" John taunted.
"Gladly." I said spitting the blood out of my mouth. I stood. He swung at me.
I grabbed his foot and flipped him on the ground.
"You'll pay for that!" He snarled jumping back up. He kicked me in the stomach and the air was once again knocked out of me. I lay gasping on the floor.
John kicked me again and again.
I screamed the last few times. Suddenly it stopped. "You get your filthy hands off her!" An angry male voice snarled. Bucky.
I looked up and saw Bucky and John fighting. It was brutal. Bucky took no mercy. Throwing punches like lightning. John fought back hard as well. Blood was flying everywhere. That was until Lizzie Atwell came into the room.
"What in Gods name is going on here?" She demanded. Bucky threw one last punch at John before they both stood up straight.
"You boys disgust me!" She yelled. I stood shakily.
"Lizzie" I croaked. Bucky ran over to me. He had blood all over his face and a black eye forming.
He hugged me. "Katie tell me you're okay!" He begged.
Blood poured down my face too. "What is going on?" Lizzie demanded.
"I-I was sle-sleeping and John attacked me. Bucky came and saved me." I explained in a hoarse voice.
"Private Filch I suppose you attacked cause of the embarrassment she caused you?" Lizzie asked.
"Yes, ma'am." John said.
"Well don't let this happen again all three of you to the infirmary." She ordered.
Bucky had to carry me bridal style there.
"Private Rogers you're out of training for tomorrow." Nurse Maggie said.
"What?" I yelled I winced for yelling hurt quite a bit. Bucky noticed and ran to my side and began cradling me in his arms.
"I-I can handle training tomorrow." I said hoarsely. Nurse Maggie gave me a sad smile.
"No you can't, you boys can go back to the sleeping quarters now you're good for training tomorrow."
John left in a hurry. Bucky gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"I hope you feel better, listen to Maggie." He said before leaving.
I pouted sitting back in the bed.

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