The New Master

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Episode 1: The New Master

Prince Adam stood on the balcony of his room over looking his kingdom. His loyal friend, a green Eternia tiger, Cringer lay near his feet. The sunlight falling on the Royal Palace and the city beyond matched the color of his hair.

Behind him he heard the door to his room open. Turning to see who it was, Adam accidentally stepped on Cringer's tail. The large cat screamed and ran back into the room. Adam looked down at the green tail coming out from under the bed. "Sorry, Cringer."

"Adam, what's wrong?" Man-at-Arms, Adam's mentor and teacher, shut the door behind him. As he walked toward Adam, the sun began to hit his armor showing just how beat up it was from all of the battles with Skeletor.

When Man-at-Arms reached him, Adam turned back toward the railing. "I can't say it here. Someone might over hear us. It's about our friend."

Man-at-Arms nodded. "Oh, come to my workshop. We'll talk there." Adam looked over at him. "That seems the best place to me."

Inside Man-at-Arms's workshop, Man-at-Arms leaned against his workbench. "What about our friend?" Lying over to the side, Cringer watched Adam pacing.

"I feel trapped. I can't tell anyone I'm He-man. And everything I run to transform everyone thinks I'm a coward."

Man-at-Arms moved away from his workbench. "I had thought you were over this."

Adam stopped and looked at him. "How do I find someone to be my queen if everyone thinks I'm a coward?"

Man-at-Arms put a finger on his chin. "Hmm, you do have a point. I think the Sorceress would be a better person to ask. She is an oracle."

Adam walked over to stand beside Man-at-Arms. "Do you think I am too young to think about a queen?"

Man-at-Arms placed his hand on Adam's shoulder. "No, Adam, I don't. You're about the age your father was when he met your mother."

Adam smiled at him. "I guess me and Cring will go to Castle Grayskull and I'll talk to the Sorceress."

Man-at-Arms removed his hand. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

Adam walked over to a Skysled, a flying motorcycle, and got on it. "Come on, Cringer."

Man-at-Arms walked near him. "Be careful, Adam. Skeletor hasn't tried anything lately. He must be planning something big."

Nodding at him, Adam started the Skysled. "I will." The Skysled hovered and flew out the workshop with Cringer running behind it.

On another world, a young woman walked along a path in a forest. She had walked this path once a day since she was five. When the sun could reach the forest floor it lit her brown hair making it look more auburn in color. She carried a wooden staff in her hand as she watched the under growth with her ice blue eyes. Hearing a sound to her right, she stopped to listen. As she prepared to defend herself if need be, a rabbit hopped across the path. "It's only a rabbit, Girl."

She continued to walk along the path. When she reached the fork in the path where she normally took the path on the left to head back, something caught her eye to the right. Instead of going along the left path, she took the right path. As the path went on, the forest began to change. Stopping near a steam, which to her seemed an odd color, she heard a sound coming near her. "It's problemly another rabbit."

As the sound got nearer she realized it wasn't a rabbit, but something bigger. Something really big. The animal that came out of the undergrowth was something that she thought did not existed.

The huge brown gryphon looked her up and down. Then it let out a roar, which was followed by another. Another came out of the forest and stood next to the first. Both watched her as she raised her staff. "Well, Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore." The first gryphon came nearer smelling the air as it raised its front crawls to her.

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