Teela and Veena Captured

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Episode 3: Teela and Veena Captured

Veena stood watching Adam and Teela sparing in the courtyard. Duncan, Man-at-Arms, stood beside her. Under the shade of a tree, Cringer laid watching the teenagers.

Teela knocked Adam off his feet, but Adam recovered. Then he made Teela fall over. Duncan raised his hand and walked toward them.

"Enough. Save your strength. We may be needing it."

Lowering their swords, Adam looked over at Veena as Teela looked at her father.

"As you wish."

Adam walked over to Cringer. The two of them left the others. Duncan watched as Teela placed her sword down and began to walk away.

"Wait, Teela. Take Veena with you."

Slowly Teela turned to face him. Why so she can take more of my place? She already has proven a better fighter than me. "As you wish, Father. Please come with me, Veena." Teela continued walking away as Veena began to follow her.

Inside the Royal Stables, Cringer and Adam laid in the hay. Adam stared at the ceiling above as Cringer slept beside him. Since Veena had learned about his secret they had been spending most of their time together. It feels nice to have someone else in on the secret. I don't feel so alone anymore. Adam closed his eyes and recalled how Teela was treated Veena. She seemed to be jealous of Veena. Adam could understand it. Teela must feel that Veena is replacing her. Slowly he relaxed and fell asleep wishing Veena would be in his dreams.

Riding two Skysleds Teela and Veena flew toward a village requesting aid. Neither said a word as they rode on Veena noticed that Teela kept glancing over at her. When they reached the village Teela sped up. Teela landed first. As Veena was dismounting from her Skysled, Teela walked over to the leader of the village. The old man looked at Veena first and then at Teela. Slowly he walked toward Teela. "Welcome to the village of Shandor." Venna hurried up to Teela's side. She watched as the man walked to them.

"I am Chief Ronan. Thank you for coming to our aid." Mournfully he looked around his village. Veena and Teela then noticed that much of the village was damaged or destroyed.

Veena watched as a hut collapsed. "Who did this?" Chief Ronan looked down at the dirt around his feet.

"A gryphon comes at night and attacks us. We have very little food left. Can you please help us?"

Before Teela could say a word, Veena walked forward and took his hand in hers. "Of course we will. We can't allow your people to suffer." Smiling Chief Ronan left them to announce to the village help had arrived.

Teela walked in front of Veena then turned to face her. Looking her up and down, Teela showed her anger. Who is she to say we would have to help the village? We need to be prepared if Grayskull is attacked? "We can't stay. We may need to defend Grayskull."

Veena looked at Teela in shock. Aren't we supposed to help the innocent? "Teela, we can do more good here helping these people. If we are needed at Grayskull we will go, but first lets help this village."

Teela looked at her. She sounded like He-man. He-man had been right then and now so was she. "All right." Teela watched at Veena walked over to a family and begin to talk to the mother. She would be a good diplomat for the Kingdom. Teela smiled to herself as she followed Veena's example.

"There has to be something that can defeat He-man." Skeletor sat in his throne petting his massive feline companion, Panthor. Evil-lyn standing to his right watched as Whiplash, a giant lizard creature, and Crawful, a giant crab creature, walked into the throne room.

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