Reunited Part I

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Episode 5: Reunited Part I

Queen Marlena stood beside Veena watching as workmen repaired the Palace wall. The older woman glanced over at the younger when Adam stood up, smiled, and waved at his mother and Veena. Marlena smiled to herself. Something is going on between the two of them. Maybe since we don't know what happened to Gwen and her daughter, Randor will listen allow Adam to marry who he wishes. Veena would make a great queen. Everyone likes her. Veena glanced at the woman beside her and saw her smile. "Your Highness, what is it?" Marlena looked into Veena's blue eyes. "I was thinking about an old friend." Veena looked around her. Sorceress, can I ask her about my mother? Veena looked over at Adam. Yes. Thank you for asking first. Veena smiled and turned to the Queen. "I need to talk to you. Can we go somewhere else?" Marlena looked at the girl and smiled. "Yes. Lets go to the Royal Gardens. Orko is there, but I don't think you mind him do you?" Veena smiled. "No, I like him. He tries to help. It's not his fault his magic gets messed up." Marlena laughed. "You're right about that. At least he makes us laugh."

Orko was floating beside a flower when Marlena and Veena came into the garden. He turned to face them. "Hello Your Majesty. Veena. I won't bother you. I have a meeting with Moss Man. He's going to show me some new plants for the gardens." The little Trollan floated away leaving the two women alone. The two sat on a bench near the center. Marlena looked at Veena. "Veena, is this about you and Adam?" Veena looked at the Queen beside her. Does she think…? "No, Your Majesty. It's about me and my mother." The Queen looked at her. "You and your mother?" Veena looked at Marlena. "My mother is Gwendolyn." The Queen began to cry. "I knew it." She hugged Veena. "We should send word to your father. He must know." No yet. Veena, he must know yet, but soon. Veena pulled away from the Queen. "Not yet. Please. I think it would be too soon for me. I only just learned who my mother is." Marlena nodded. She was five when she disappeared. So why can't she remember her mother? "All right. But can I tell you who he is?" Veena looked around her. "I guess so. I need to know more about my past." Marlena smiled. "He is King Moraius Of Morainia. So in fact we should be calling you Princess Veena." Marlena looked at the young woman beside her. "I take it you don't want everyone to know." Veena looked at her. "If you don't mind. I …I think it would be better if I told everyone." Marlena nodded. She will be an excellent queen. "Agreed."

Adam stood beside his father as another piece of the wall went up. He glanced over and saw his mother and Veena returning. Veena stood beside the doorway while his mother walked over to him and his father. "Randor, I need a word with you." Randor nodded and looked at Man-at-Arms. "Duncan, can you continue this without me?" Duncan nodded. "Of course, Your Majesty." The Queen and King walked away and toward the door. The Queen smiled at Veena as they past. Veena walked over to Adam and Duncan. "Duncan, can I borrow Adam for awhile?" Man-at-Arms looked at her and then at Adam. "Sure."

Adam followed Veena down the path toward the beach beside the Sea of Rakash. Veena sat on the largest rock as Adam sat beside her. "Veena, what's wrong?" Veena looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Remember my visit to Grayskull before Skeletor's attack. Adam took hold of Veena's hand. "I remember. What does that have to do with you crying now?" Veena reached up and brushed a tear off her face. "I found out who my mother and father are, Adam." He brushed a tear off with his gloved hand. "I thought if you found that out that it would make you happy." She looked into his blue eyes. "I am, but …" Adam smiled. "Veena, who are they?" Veena shook her head making her lose hair move with it. "I don't know if you know them. But they are Gwendolyn and King Moraius." Adam let go of her hands and looked at her. King Moraius. But father told me I was betrothed to his daughter. Could that be Veena? "I know who they are Veena. I've heard story about your mother since I was little. I've also met your father a few times." Veena looked at him. "Your mother said we could tell him about me, but I don't know." Adam smirked. "Do it. You'll feel better. The fact he'll know you're alive will make him happy."

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