Veena's Past

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Episode 4: Veena's Past

Teela and Veena stood back to back. Each held her staff. Over their eyes were blindfolds. Attached to the blindfolds was two pieces of string held by Adam who stood to the side of them. Around the two young women were battle orbs. All twelve of them floated around them.

"One." Veena slowly breathed out as Teela flexed herself.

"Two." Teela raised her staff while Veena lowered hers.

"Three." Adam pulled the strings pulling the blindfolds off of the girls. The battle orbs began to speed around them. Each jumped and dodged them. As they got out of the way of one each knocked one down. When they had defeated all twelve, the girls looked around and laughed.

"I think we make a good team, Teela."

Teela smiled and shrieked her Cobra staff. "Yeah."

Adam walked over to them. "I wouldn't want to fight the two of you."

Teela looked over at Adam. Why is Adam spending more time with Veena instead of me lately? What is going on between them? She treats him like I do most of the time, but at other times she acts odd around him. I did see him hugging her on the balcony. Glancing at Adam as he held Veena's staff as she took her hair down. Maybe I am making something from nothing.

Sometime later inside the Palace, Teela and Veena stood in the Royal Gardens watching Orko caring for it.

Teela turned to Veena. "Veena, is something going on with you and Adam? The two of you are seen all over the Palace together."

Veena glanced at her, but remained facing Orko. "Adam's my friend, Teela. I know only that."

Inside Man-at-Arms's workshop Adam watched Duncan work on something. Cringer lied beside another worktable. Looking down at his feet, Adam glanced at Cringer. He didn't see his friend. Although she was with Teela, he saw Veena. She was haunting him. He couldn't close his eyes without seeing her face. Even when he stood beside her it wasn't enough. He secretly waited until he could have her behind him on Battlecat or a Skysled. He missed her the instant she left the room. He wanted her by his side at all times. Duncan looked over at Adam. Adam had been acting odd lately.

He rose and walked over to him. "Are you all right?"

Adam looked up at him. "I fine. Just thinking."

Duncan stood beside Adam. "Why did you hug her?"

Glancing at Cringer, Adam sighed. "Because she looked like she was about to cry. She's alone in the world. Veena has no one looking for her from her world. I just did to show her she wasn't alone anymore."

"Hmm, that was a good thing you did, but our friend should not do it again. You should give her support." Adam sighed again.

"She knows. The Sorceress told me to transform in front of her." Duncan looked at him.

"So she knew that…" Adam walked toward a Skysled.

"Later that night she didn't ask me why I did it. I just want her to know she is not alone." Adam walked out with Cringer behind him.

Veena stood in her blue dress overlooking the courtyard. Her mind was back when He-man hugged her near Snake Mountain. When Adam hugged her later outside the Throne room it felt right as it when he did as He-man, but how did he know she needed it. She arrived on the other world at the age of five but could not remember anything before that. She could not remember her real family. On the other world, she had neither friends nor any real family. She had always felt alone and not at home until now. The Royal family treated her like family. The Masters were her family now. Adam was right about that. Since that night she began to spend less time with Adam. She needed some time to understand her feelings about him. At times he acted like a brother and at others…

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