The Two Rings

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Episode 2: The Two Rings

Two young women clashed in the courtyard of the Royal Palace of Eternia. One with vivid green eyes, the other with ice blue eyes. They jousted with their staves. Neither was giving the other a weakness to use. Finally the blue-eyed beauty knocked the green eyed one off her feet.

"Well, done, Veena. No one has ever beaten Teela jousting before." Veena looked over at Prince Adam and smiled. The Prince is kinda cute, and I do like him.

Teela got up and knocked the dust off of her. Smiling she walked over to Adam. "I haven't had that much of a challenge in awhile."

Adam looked at her. "Hey!" Teela left Veena and Adam alone. Adam walked over to Veena.

After getting clothing better for fighting than what she had arrived in, Veena blended well into the Masters.

Veena looked at him. "I thought you jousted with her."

Looking at the ground at his feet Adam smiled a little. "I did, but she always beat me. Unless we used swords, then I would win."

Veena smiled at him. "Oh." Adam smiled back at her.

Prince Adam, you and Veena must come to Castle Grayskull.

Adam looked over at Cringer lying under a tree. His face seemed fine but something had changed.

Veena became worried. "Are you all right?"

Adam looked at her. "Yes. We need to go to Grayskull."

Veena looked at him. "Why do we need to go to Grayskull? And why only us?"

Adam closed his eyes. "The Sorceress is telepathic and she has asked that only you, Cringer, and I come."

Looking him up and down, Veena sighed. "All right."

Two Skysleds flew away from the Palace with Cringer chasing after them. As they flew through the Evergreen Forest, Adam began to wonder. Why does the Sorceress wanted to see Veena and me? Normally she only wants to see me.

When they arrived at Castle Grayskull, They walked across the drawbridge with Cringer close behind. As the three of them entered the Throne room, the Sorceress appeared on the throne at the top of the golden pyramid.

"Prince Adam. Veena." She flew down the stairs to them. Once she had reached them she looked them over. "I needed you to come here because only the two of you can do what needs to be down." The two teenagers looked at each other.

Veena stepped closer to the Sorceress. " I don't understand. Adam's a coward according to Teela. How can he be any help?"

The Sorceress looked at Adam and then at Veena. "It is time for her to know, Prince Adam."

Adam looked at the Sorceress. Time for her to know? No one knows my secret except for Man-at-Arms, Orko, Cringer, and of course her. Does she really want me to transform in front of Veena?

The Sorceress looked harder at him. "Prince Adam."

Adam took his sword from his back and raised it over his head. "By the Power of Grayskull!" The room filled with a white light.

Veena couldn't see anything. Then she heard He-man's voice say, "I have the Power!" When the light finally faded, Adam and Cringer were gone and in their places stood He-man and Battlecat.

Veena looked around her. "Where's Adam and Cringer?" He-man looked at her and then put his sword into the holster on his back.

Slowly he walked toward her. "Veena, Prince Adam and I are the same person." Veena sat down on the cold stone floor. Battlecat came over and placed his head in Veena's lap. Looking down at the huge tiger's head, Veena removed the small helmet mask from his face. Battlecat looked up at her.

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