Eighteenth Birthday

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Episode 13: Eighteenth Birthday

The Royal Palace of Eternia was in an uproar. All of the servants rushed to finish their jobs before the party was to begin later that day. A rumor ran through the Palace. An announcement was going to be made at the party.

Queen Marlena stood next to Queen Gwendolyn. The two women stood behind Veena as the Royal Seamstress finished the gown for the party.

Veena turned a little to face the women behind her. "Mother, can't I please go out?"

"No, Veena. You are not to leave your room."

Sighing, the Princess turned back toward the mirrors. They won't let me leave.

Don't worry. The party's less than two hours away. Besides I can wait.

Veena smiled. Your father's making it hard for you. Isn't he?

Yes, but of course you aren't helping.

Veena giggled and both queens looked at her. Sorry.

"Veena, what is so funny?"

"Nothing, Your Majesty."

Queen Marlena looked at the girl and then turned to her friend beside her. "I must go. I need to check on that son of mine."

Gwendolyn smiled. "Of course. I think we can finish things here."

Marlena bowed and left the room. Not long after her the Seamstress left as well. Only mother and daughter remained. Veena stepped off the stool she was on and glanced at herself in the mirrors. Adam, eat your heart out.


Sorry. Forgot about the rings. It's a saying from where I grew up.

Oh, it's all right. See you at the party.

See you.

Gwendolyn stepped closer to her daughter. "You can talk to him telepathically again?"

Veena turned to face her mother. "Yes. I think it's the rings."


Veena held up her right hand. "Adam and I have rings that were made for King Grayskull and his wife. They allow us to be telepathic with each other."

Gwendolyn took her daughter's hand and looked at the ring. Father, is this not one of the rings you made?

Yes. Veena speaks the truth. I made them for King Grayskull and his wife.

Father, that would mean…

Yes, I am older than you thought, Gwen.

Gwendolyn released her daughter's hand. "Well it's a good thing you had those."

"Actually, they only started working again after Skeletor's last attack on Grayskull."

Gwendolyn nodded. "I must go check on your father. Do not leave this room."

"Yes, Mother."

Prince Adam paced in his room. Unlike his other birthdays, he was not allow out of his room. His father stood near his door watching him.

"Adam, stop that. You only have an hour left. Then you can see her."

Adam stopped and looked at his father. "I'm nervous. I'm about to announce to the whole kingdom that I'm…"

"Getting married. Really, Adam, you will do fine."

Adam glanced at the mirror to the side. Dressed in more formal wear than he had ever been in before, he felt out of place. Veena, I hope I don't have to wear this from now on.

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