Princess in Danger

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Episode 11: Princess in Danger

Eureka laid next to Cringer in the throne of the Palace. The two tigers watched as their friends were learning to dance from Queen Marlena and Queen Gwendolyn. The female gave Cringer a look and it appeared to all he was laughing at her. She then gave him a smug look and rose. Walking away from him, Eureka took a new position nearer the thrones and far away from Cringer.

Adam and Veena stopped dancing and watched the two tigers and laughed. Queen Marlena caught their attention and the two continued on with the dance, but both noticed the smiles on their mothers' faces.

Teela stood to the side still under her punishment wearing a green dress. She watched as Adam lead Veena around. Those two always seem to be smiling as if there is a joke and they're the only ones in on it.

The Prince of Eternia and the Princess of Morainia smiled at each other. Both knew Queen Gwendolyn could hear them if she wanted, but lately she had been allowing the two to communicate telepathically without any interference from her.

Watch it Adam or you'll step on my foot again. Veena smirked at him

Adam frowned. I am and I said I was sorry.

The two continued for some time until Man-at-Arms came to take Adam away for training. Adam kissed Veena on the cheek before following his mentor. See you later. Cringer rose and followed his friend after glancing back at Eureka who wouldn't look at him.

Veena watched Adam leave. Queen Marlena and her mother soon left her and Teela alone. Veena walked over to her and smiled. "How are you feeling, Teela?"

Teela sighed and looked away from her. "I'm doing fine. I'm sorry, Veena." She looked at Veena. "I shouldn't have done it. I don't know why I did it."

Veena nodded. "You thought that I was cheating on Adam. I can't blame you for wanting to protect him."

Teela smiled at her. "I'm guessing you have forgiven me."

Nodding Veena smiled. "Of course. Now come on. I have something planned that is still within your punishment and yet isn't."

Teela smiled and followed the princess out of the throne room. Eureka followed after the two young women.

Using his sword Adam stopped one of Man-at-Arms's robots from attacking him. The robot held a sword and came at him again. Adam knocked the sword out of its hand. Duncan picked up the sword and turned the robot off. He smiled at him. "You're improving, Adam."

Adam returned the smile as he placed his sword in the holster on his back. He followed Duncan back into his workshop. "Veena's been helping me when she can."

Cringer sat up as the two entered the workshop. Duncan moved the robot to his workbench. Adam stood close to Cringer. "She says I should learn to fight better as me."

Duncan looked at him worriedly from the robot. "Ahh. Adam…"

Adam placed his hands on his hips and looked at his mentor. "He-man will always be need. Veena just said it so that I can at least look I'm fighting before I run off to transform."

Duncan nodded and smiled. "Makes sense." She's already acting like a queen and a wife. Veena is a lot like Marlena. She'll keep Adam up on his toes. He returned to his work as Adam and Cringer left the workshop.

Veena and Teela spared in the courtyard. Eureka laid under a tree in the shade. Equally matched the two young women kept trying to knock the other off her feet. This is the image Adam saw as he exited the Palace in search of Veena.

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