To The Past We Go Part III

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Episode 9: To The Past We Go

Part III

Present Day Eternia

King Randor stood with his friend and wife. No one could find their children. It appeared as if the three had just vanished. Guards were looking everywhere around the Palace and could not fine them. Finally Gwendolyn entered and explained that they had to go to Castle Grayskull. Moraius moved away from them and then walked out of the room. The others soon followed him.

Ancient Eternia

King Grayskull stood watching the sun set over his kingdom and castle. His wife came to stand beside him. She glanced up at his face. "I take it you did not like what they said." The king looked at her and smiled.

"It seems odd that the very power Skeletor is after is mine and yet is not." Slowly Queen Veena left her husband. I know there is more, but they cannot tell us.

Adam and Veena stood looking out a window at the view before them. It seemed odd to both that not to far away there was a village where the Evergreen Forest would stand.

Adam glanced over at her as she sighed. "Is something wrong?" Veena leaned against the stonewall and looked at him.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." She returned her view toward the window.

Adam moved closer. "Veena."

Looking up Veena smiled. "I'm just thinking what about how our parents are going to deal with us missing." Adam wrapped his arms around her. Veena turned and placed her head on his shoulder. Adam pulled her closer.

"Veena, don't worry. Your mother will keep them calm." I hope. Veena pulled away a little. Looking up at him, she smiled. I heard that. Adam looked down at her and smiled. Stop worrying. Everything will be all right.

Skeletor stood in front of his army. Behind him Evil-lyn watched as Panthor walked up to him. The massive purple cat stood beside his master. Skeletor looked at Castle Grayskull. Evil-lyn walked up beside him. Skeletor glanced at her and then returned his vision to the castle.

"Skeletor, I believe we should wait. I don't believe the Elders' Power is here." He glanced at her again.

"I am not waiting. We will attack. This is the time before the Elders appeared."

King and Queen Grayskull, Veena, Adam, and Adora stood inside the Crystal Cavern. The four were trying to agree on a plan about Skeletor. Adam stood beside Veena while Adora stood beside King Grayskull. Queen Grayskull stood close to where the Crystal Sphere would one day be.

Veena held onto Adam's hand as she listened to the others. None of these plans will work. Skeletor needs to be surprised. That's our best bet, Adam. Surprise him and make him retreat to our time. Adam squeezed her hand and leaned his head toward her ear. I agree, Veena. I think we should tell everyone what we are thinking. Veena nodded.

The others listened as Adam and Veena voiced their plan. The other three agreed. Veena and Queen Grayskull suddenly collapsed. King Grayskull helped his wife to sit up as Adam did the same for Veena. Both women looked at each other and then at the man holding her. "He's attacking."

Adora watched as her ancestor and Veena stood up. She glanced at Adam. "Our friends are needed." Adam nodded. He squeezed Veena hand and then walked toward his sister. Veena stood with The Rulers of Grayskull as Adam and Adora transformed.

He-man, Veena, and She-ra raced along a passageway. Cringer and Spirit met them near the entrance of the castle. He-man and She-ra along with the animals went into a small room. After a few moments, He-man rode out on Battlecat while She-ra rode out on Swift Wind. Veena got behind He-man and the three rode out of the castle and stood near the army.

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