Reunited Part II

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Episode 6: Reunited Part II

Adam and Veena looked at King Moraius in shock. King Randor looked at his friend, while his wife walked over to Veena. "Listen. I knew once you found out you wouldn't like it, but Veena is seventeen. She can make up her own mind." The other king looked at him. "She is my daughter. I will not lose her like I did her mother." Veena, I'm not dead! Tell him! Veena sat down on the bench suddenly. Adam turned to look at her. "Veena, are you all right?" Veena looked at him then her father. "She's not dead." Moraius looked at his daughter. "You are…" Veena nodded. "I haven't heard her before." Tears began to fall. Adam sat down beside her. "Can she tell you where she is?" Veena closed her eyes. Mother, where are you?

Gwendolyn smiled. I can finally hear her voice. Tears fell from her eyes. I am inside the Cave of the Blue Flame in the Ice Mountains. Only you and He-man can free me. She moved closer to the flame. The very flame that allowed her to view her sister and Skeletor. Gwendolyn waited for her daughter's reply. She could feel Veena's horror of hearing her father say she could no longer be a Master. Veena will stay where she is. She safer fighting with them than if she were in Morainia. We will come as soon as we can. When we free you could you talk to father about… Moving away from the flame Gwendolyn sighed. Don't worry. You will always be a Master. Your father can't stop you.

Veena opened her eyes and looked at Adam. We have to free my mother. She's in a cave called the Cave to the Blue Flame in the Ice Mountains. Adam nodded. Follow my lead. Adam winked at her. Then she looked at her father. "Father, listen. I am a Master because I earned it. No one knew who I was. I will fight because I am needed." She stood and looked at Queen Marlena and King Randor. "If you'll excuse me, I need to be alone." Veena walked past her father and out the room.

Randor looked at his wife. "That went better than I thought." Adam stood up and looked at his parents. "I'm going to go check on her." His mother placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know she is closer to you than Teela. I think you should." Adam nodded to his mother and walked out following Veena. Marlena looked at Moraius. "Moraius, I know you blame the fact Gwen fought to be the fact she hasn't been around, but I believe it is something else. Veena has been a great help. If it weren't for her sometimes Skeletor would …." Moraius sat on the bench his daughter had left. "I know, Marlena. I'm just a worried parent. Don't you worry about Adam?" Marlena smiled. "Of course. We both do, but we know we have to allow him to choose his own path. We can't force him." Randor looked at his wife and friend. "Did anyone notice neither of the them brought up the Betrothal?"

Veena waited for Adam beside Man-at-Arms's workshop. She heard a sound coming from behind her and turned. Adam and Cringer slowly walked out of the shadows. Smiling Adam stopped in front of her. "I'm guessing we'll need Our Friend." Veena tilted her head. "Our Friend?" Adam smile widened. "You know?" He pulled his sword from his back. Veena smiled. "So that who you and Duncan were talking about." Adam nodded and then he can Cringer walked around the corner. Veena heard Adam's call and then the white light, but was not blinded. He-man and Battlecat walked around the corner. He-man stood in an outfit more adapted for the colder climate in the Ice Mountains. He looked at Veena is her normal fighting outfit. "Veena, you'll need something else. It's cold up there." Veena walked toward him. "Don't worry." She elongated her staff and bashed the end to the ground. A fury of snow and ice covered her adding a fur cloak and trim to her outfit. He-man smiled and shook his head. "That'll work." He-man climbed on to Battlecat's back. Then he helped Veena to mount. The two rode off toward the Palace Gates to head to the Ice Mountains.

Teela walked along the outside of the Palace. Why was King Moraius here? He rarely leaves his kingdom in the North. Does it have something to do with Veena? Teela neared her father's workshop when she heard voices. It sounds like Veena and He-man. Slowly she walked closer. She stood watching as He-man stood in front of Veena. Veena held her staff in her hand. She bashed it against the ground. Ice and Snow surrounded her. When they had settled, she stood in an outfit more adapted for a colder climate. He-man smiled and nodded. "That'll work." Teela watched as He-man mounted Battlecat and then helped Veena to mount behind him. She moved herself away as they trio left. Something is going on. Was He-man flirting with Veena? Or was Veena flirting with He-man? She told me nothing is going on with them, but I just saw… Teela walked around the corner and continued on her way to her father's workshop.

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