Princess in Recovering

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Episode 12:  Princess in Recovering

The Princess of Morainia sat up in the bed. Adam sat in a chair beside the bed. Cringer and Eureka laid next to the opened door.

"I wish my mother would let me out of this bed." Veena sighed and then glanced at Adam.

"She's just worried about." He reached for her hand. "Besides you're still weak." And I almost lost you.

Nodding Veena glanced at the tigers. I won't tell him I heard that. Because I know it's true and he needs to be strong right now for both of us."I just want out of my room for awhile. It's not like I want to go and fight or something."

Adam smiled and took hold of her hand. "I know, but remember you couldn't even stand on your own." He rubbed his thumb against her hand. "You need to rest, Veena."

Duncan appeared in the doorway. Adam glanced up at him. "Adam, your father wants to talk to you."

Adam sighed. I don't want to leave you.

Veena smiled. "Don't worry if something happens I'll let you know. Love you."

He stood up and kissed Veena's cheek. "Love you, too.I'll be back as soon as I can." He rounded the bed. "Come on, Cring." The green tiger followed him and he past by Duncan and walked toward the throne room.

Veena watched as Duncan walked into her room. He must be here to ask about Teela. I guess he doesn't know.

He stood beside her bed. "Veena, I'm sorry for what Teela did. Do you think you could talk to the queen about letting her off of her punishment?"

Veena smiled at him. "She's already off. I can't fight so Queen Marlena told her it was off at least for now." She sat up straighter. "I understand why she did it. I'm going to be more careful from now on. Don't worry. Me and Adam talked. I'm going to ride Eureka as soon as I have my magic back instead of riding with him. Teela did it because she thought I was unfaithful to Adam."

Duncan nodded as Veena took the book from her nightstand and began reading. She glanced up at him. "Do I have to give you permission to leave or something?"

Duncan smiled. "No. I was just thinking." Duncan turned and left her room. Veena glanced at Eureka.

"Well, come on. I can't have you on the floor." The massive white tiger rose and jumped on the foot of the bed. She laid down and watched as her friend read the history of Etheria.

King Randor walked into the Armoury with his son. Cringer waited outside the door. Adam stood and watched as his father shut the door behind them. I wonder what this is about? I so would like to be with Veena instead.

Randor looked at his son. He walked toward him. "Adam, we need to talk about Teela and Veena?"

Adam stood up straight. I wonder why he wants to talk about Veena. I know why he wants to about Teela. "Yes, Father."

Randor sighed. "Adam, King Moraius has asked me to convict Teela for treason against me."

Adam nodded. "I thought he would, but Veena forgave her. That was enough for me."

Randor laughed and looked at his son. "You sound like your mother and Queen Gwendolyn." Randor began to pace. "I told him no. Teela is a master and now since Veena is…"

Adam nodded. "Don't worry. She's getting better." He watched as his father stopped.

Randor smiled at his son. "I know, Adam. Now about Veena."

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