Prolouge (MUST READ)

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Carriers are rare highly valuable males that can carry children. Their children are highly valued for they are extremely beautiful, intelligent, and talented. Carriers and their children are so highly valued that many will pay billions of dollars, and go to extreme circumstances to have them in their possessions.

One problem though is their rarity for every 500,000 men only one is a Carrier. Governments have made it law for every boy to get tested for being a Carrier at the age of fifteen. If they test positive then they are added to a secret government list and directed to doctors that specialize in Carriers' health and are sworn to secrecy.

All Carriers go through a Transition, which is the painful process of developing into their Carrier abilities. This happens at the peak of their puberty. It can happen from anywhere between 15-21 years of age. Some will be put on suppressants to prevent the Transition, which is very dangerous for them.

Every 3 months or every 6 months, depending on the Carrier, they go through another Transition after their first. This Transition is meant to clean their system and prepare for pregnancy once again. Symptoms of a Transition can include nausea, headaches, dizziness, fainting, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, mood swings and nose bleeds.

Due to a controversial law created centuries ago all Carriers are required to have at least one Caregiver. Caregivers are family, friends or lover of the Carrier that have financial, legal and medical control over Carriers, leaving the Carrier themselves with little rights.

The Carrier life is no easy one and each Carrier handles it differently the following tells the story of a Carrier and his struggle of being accepted by his world as a Carrier, and the struggle of trying to accept himself.


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