Chapter 8

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First Quarter, 9 weeks (2 months)

Our four days in Japan we're spectacular show wise. We performed in three different cities and each time was a sold out show. I couldn't get over how sweet the fans all were. We managed to spend a day wondering around with many souvenirs purchased.

Scott and I have also been posting like mad on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, dropping subtle hints of Scomiche being real. We've posted pictures of us cuddling, we've Tweeted each other flirting back and forth and even the crew and the rest of the group have joined in on dropping subtle hints of us being together. Avi, Kevin and Kirstie have posted pictures of Scott and I curled in the dressing room, or even a couple of pictures of us holding hands. The pictures are driving the fans bonkers with excitement. We filmed a Superfruit video on our last day in Japan, but talked nothing of the pictures instead we just talked about Japan, and messed around.

The only thing that sucked is being pregnant, at least the symptoms of being pregnant. For morning sickness was relentless, I even had to run off stage once night to throw up. My hormones have flared up making me snap at everybody, and then burst into tears with apologies for being a bitch. Everybody assures me it's okay, but a part of me hates myself for it, even though it's normal. I'm super cuddly with Scott, he even jokes that I'm his baby Koala, and everybody just finds it cute, but I find it alarming. I broke down in front of Kevin one day, because I felt needy, but he pulled me into one of his big bear hugs assuring me that it's normal, and is a Carrier instinct. He made me feel a little better with that. However, the sight of my belly no longer being flat, but puffed out made me have a break down in the bathroom in hysterics, for my stomach hasn't looked like that in over a year and the sight of it coming back brings back so many insecurities. It was Kirstie that found me having the panic attack, and was quick to hold me in her arms and assure me that it's okay, and remind me that it's a sign that the baby is healthy. Another alarming change is my chest. It's not anything visible yet, but my nipples hurt! When we're in our dressing room or hotel room I'm always taking off my shirt, because the fabric just irritates it too much.

Through the entire thing Scott has been amazing. He accepts my mood swings with sense of humor, cuddles, sweet words, and kisses. He is always right there when I get sick, when I ran off stage that night he followed right behind me, without even a second thought. His patience, and unconditional love for me makes me realize just how lucky I am to have him.

When we leave Japan, I was disappointed for there was still so much I wanted to do, yet I knew that it was a good thing, for my rapidly changing body was ready for a break.

Our stay home was short, but sweet. Scott and I never left the house with the two of us just too busy spending time together, and getting in some sexy times.

After our quick visit home we jumped on a plane to the sunshine state, Florida, where we'll stay a night in a hotel, perform a show, and then load onto the tour bus.

Scott and I currently are lounging in our hotel room after spending all morning coming up with ideas for our Christmas album that we want to release sometime in October. I munch carefully on the sandwiches that Scott had ordered as he sets up the camera for our Superfruit episode.

I glance over at my phone the date reading April 13th, a date that I may always remember. With my phone already open, I open my pregnancy calendar that I have been using to keep track of my pregnancy, and all the different things happening to it. I'm even using a website that Stephanie recommended to me and is for Carriers.

"Did you know at nine weeks pregnant our baby is the size of a grape?" I ask Scott making him glance over at me.

"That's really small. What else does it say?" he asks curiously as he joins me back on the bed as he goes back to eating his own sandwich.

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