Chapter 2

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An entire week of being at the Carrier Clinic and I'm finally free and on my way home.

When Scott had come to get me he had been just as eager for me to come home as I was. He practically flew around my room at the clinic collecting all of my things for me, for which I was grateful for, because I had all the energy of a sloth. Even now sitting with him as he drives us home he is buzzing with excitement as he sings along to the songs that play on the radio, his  blue eyes shining.

"You act like we're on the way to a Beyoncé concert," I speak up my voice just barely above a whisper with exhaustion still plaguing my body as it continues to fight the infection.

"Maybe we are," he replies shooting me his slight smirk.

"You'd never drag me somewhere like when I look like this. I'm wearing sweat pants, one of your sweaters, my hair is a mess, and I have no make-up on. Plus, she doesn't have a concert here in LA planned for months," I dismiss him.

"Alright, so no Beyoncé, but I do have every right to be excited. I finally get my Mitchie back, and don't get me wrong I loved having Mike and Jessa staying at the house, but they're no you," he says glancing away from the road for a second to meet my eyes.

"Queen, you weren't even at the house to spend any time with Mike and Jessa. You were always at the clinic with me until one of the big scary nurses had to drag you out of the room after visiting hours were over. For all you know all know Jessa could have destroyed my bedroom, ate all our food and changed all the settings on the TV. Not that I'm complaining. It was nice to have you by my side, even though I was puking all over the place," I joke, the last part though I mean, and based on that warm, only for me, look he gives me he knows it.

"Actually I know for a fact that the food is stocked with your favorites for when you're sick, your bedroom is clean, laundry done, and the TV is working just fine."

"Thank you, that was sweet of you and my dad. I'll have to call him later. When do you think he'll be back in Texas?" I ask as I try to figure out for myself in my head when he'd be back in Arlington. He had to be at the airport at nine this his plane probably took off around eleven...

"Why do you assume that it was just your dad and I? Jessa was there too," Scott's voice draws my mind away from my dad, and his tone has drastically changed. Instead of being bubbly he sounds depressed.

"You know why. She hates me Scott, has ever since my parents sat her down and explained to her that I had the Carrier gene when I was 15. You know that she made my life a living hell. When I ever I brought any potential boyfriends home, she would try to sabotage it, and it ALWAYS worked. She would say nasty things to me about being a Carrier, when I was on my Transitions she would find ways to make them even more miserable for me like hiding the pain killers, or saltine crackers, or keeping me awake by playing music in her room all the time when she knew I was supposed to be resting, so then when it came time for me to go to school I'd feel too sick to go. She also tried to keep me from going to the Sing-Off with you guys, remember? She created this huge list for my parents of all these reasons to why I shouldn't be allowed to go. So, no Scott I don't think she would do anything nice for me," I snap tears in my eyes as my arms around myself trying to give myself some kind of comfort.

"I know...It just blows my mind. You guys were once so close. She can't hate you, though; I mean she did leave behind her kids, and her husband to come see you during the worst of the infection. So, she has to love you," he argues as he pulls into our garage closing the door securely behind us with a touch of the button, but not making a move to get out of the car.

"Can we just head in? I don't want to think about my family drama. Today is supposed to be a happy day. I'm home from the clinic, no more nurses coming in to check on me, no more uncomfortable bed, or nasty food," I ramble as I unbuckle my seatbelt anxious to escape the heavy emotional cloud that has settled in the car.

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