Chapter 1

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Mitch's POV

Something that we as a group are always complimented on, aside from our voices, is being genuine. We're real with our fans, honest about who we are as people and even invite them into our lives through Superfruit, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram. However, there are parts of my life that I keep private and with good reason, for I am a Carrier.

When I went in for the test at 15 I didn't go alone. Scott came with me having put his off so we could go in to get tested together. We both went into the office with my dad and his mom feeling light hearted, for it felt impossible for the test to come back positive for either one of us, it was unheard of in Arlington to come back with a positive test. Yet when my parents got the phone call a week later with my test results we were called into the doctor's office, something that didn't happen to Scott he was just simply told it came back negative, so when I walked into that office again I was terrified and had held onto my dad's arm for most of the time there. When they pulled me into that little office and broke the news that I am a Carrier I remember full blown sobs shaking me as my dad desperately tried to calm me down.

Once I was calm they had me change into a gown and proceeded to do tests such as ultrasound, and rectal exams. To say it was humiliating would be an understatement for my dad had to stay with me the entire time. Then they proceeded to explain what happens next, and how this all will affect my future. They told us of Caregivers, how I would literally be having my rights taken from me and all major life decisions for me would be made by somebody else. They had told me of Transitions, the first one happening at any time between 15-21 years of age and would be when my ovaries, a birth canal and a womb would develop inside me. All Transitions that follow would be a painful month long cleansing of my new reproductive system. Then, as though they had not scared me enough they went on about how rare, and special I was, and of how there would be some sick people out there that would love to do me harm if they knew that I was a Carrier. Then just to scare tiny 15 year old me even more they told me of how after my Transition happened I would be immune to any and all STDs, but so fertile that just one time of not being careful I'd be pregnant with quintuplets, which I later learned was an extreme over exaggeration. By the time the doctor was done explaining this all to my dad and she had me so scared that I was trembling and I'm pretty sure my dad just wanted to lock me away in my room.

The weeks following the doctor's appointment involved my parents getting in contact with a lawyer, a new doctor that specialized in Carriers and letting it all sink in. It was during those weeks that I told my best friends, Kirstie and Scott with tears in my eyes. It wasn't like I didn't have enough that made me stick out with my small size, unusually high voice, being a little more feminine and being gay, so why not just add the cherry on top to the sundae of weirdness?

Kirstin and Scott both accepted it with ease and just assured me that it'd all be okay. Kirstie also said the original doctor I had seen was being a flat out bitch for intentinally scaring me like she had. Nothing changed between us, until I turned 17 and had my first Transition. It happened when Kirstie, Scott and I were at Scott's house messing around. I had started to not feel well; my stomach cramping, nausea and a headache starting to form, but I put off saying anything not wanting them to fuss over me, but that blew up in my face when I threw up all over the floor and wound up collapsing from the pain in my belly. This sent both of them into a panic, which brought Connie flying up the stairs in an instant. She had me change into one of Scott's shirts and tucked into his bed in a heartbeat while she called my dad and went to cleaning up the mess I had made while Scott and Kirstin did everything they could to help me.

I ended up missing an entire month of school from my first Transition, and spent a week of that in the hospital, because of how bad it had got. It was one of the most painful, and humiliating things I've ever gone though.

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