Chapter 9

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There is something about being on the tour bus going down the highway with the sound of the others moving about that is relaxing. I lay curled up on my side on my and Scott's bed my phone pressed to my ear as I listen to my mom talk about her week. She shares her adventures of babysitting Jessa's kids and her lunch with one our family friends. I listen contently adding in the occasional comment, but mostly just listening to her talk. There is always something about talking with my mom that has this calming effect on me, and ever since she found out that she has another grandbaby on the way she has made it a habit to call me every week, which I thought would be annoying, but I've found myself loving it.

I know she does it in part, because she wants to talk and get updates on the pregnancy from me, but she also does it out of worry. Ever since the announcement both of my parents have been going out of their minds with worry. They support my decision on coming out to the word as a Carrier, but they have made it clear that they don't like it.

My mom has already tried to convince me to leave tour, and come back to Arlington to live with them until the baby is born, but I am always quick to turn her down. Reminding her that I am her baby boy and that she's scared something horrible will happen to me. I never argue with her after that, instead I just assure that I'll be careful.

The bed sinks in beside me as Scott curls up behind me his arm wrapping around my waist with his hand resting on my stomach rubbing the stretched skin lightly.

"Hey Mel," Scott says to the phone as he rests he head beside mine.

My mom is quick to offer back her own hello, and ending the call after a lengthy good bye and many "I love you" exchanged.

"How's your parents?" he asks as he nuzzles my neck leaving a trail of kisses on my skin.

"They're doing okay. My dad had the flu earlier this week, but nothing major. My mom babysat Jessa's kids for most of the week, because Jessa and her husband went on a small vacation to celebrate their anniversary," I reply as I open Instagram hoping Scott will take the hint of me not wanting to continue this conversation, for I known exactly where he's going to take it next.

"Did you wish Jessa a happy anniversary?" he asks making me sigh.

"Yes, on Facebook on the pictures she posted from her vacation," I reply making him groan.

"That's a littler impersonal. She's your sister, couldn't you have at least messaged her?" he asks rubbing the center of my back lightly working out the knots that lay in my tense muscles.

"Nope, because she never said anything to me about us being together or the baby. No, message on Facebook, no comment on any pictures I post of us, no comment on Instagram, nothing. So, commenting on her picture is the least I could do," I snap making him go silent.

"I'm sorry for snapping. It just hurts. I understand that she doesn't support me in everything I do, but to not even acknowledge that she's going to be an Aunt soon just hurts too much I mean it's one thing to hate me, but an unborn baby? That just seems cruel," I whisper as I take his hand off my naval and start to play with his long fingers trying to stop myself from crying for I've shed enough tears over her.

"I didn't know she never said anything, I'm sorry, Mitchie," he apologizes kissing my cheek lightly as he runs his free hand up and down my side.

"It's fine, I just want to forget about it," I assure him releasing his hand as I push myself up and stand up stretching.

"Where are you going?" he asks watching as I move to head out to the rest of the bus.

"To get food, this baby is always hungry," I reply rubbing my hand over my small bump that is starting to show through my clothing and making my pants tight. I already have had to stop wearing some of my tighter pants with them becoming uncomfortably tight.

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