Chapter 7

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First Quarter, 7 weeks

"Seriously again? I swear you've peed three times since I said we need to leave," Scott whines from the doorway as I hurry to the bathroom.

"Oh fuck off! It's not my fault that my uterus is expanding or that my kidney are producing way more blood for YOUR baby, which also makes me pee more frequently! Also I've only  peed twice this morning!" I yell at him as I hurry back to the downstairs bathroom my mood all over the place after having woken up at the ungodly hour of 4:00 am to throw up for a good fifteen minutes while my tool of a boyfriend slept through the entire thing, then having ate breakfast only to throw it up all over the floor and poor Wyatt which left me with an angry cat. I'm also terrified, because we're telling the entire crew over a small lunch party that I'm pregnant, and we have just one more night of being home and I still haven't had the chance to pack! Not to mention my caffeine withdrawals."

"Please, tell me you're not going to be in a shitty mood all day," Scott whines as I finish up in the bathroom and reemerge.

"Screw off, I don't feel good, I'm tired, anxious and just want this stupid day to be over with already," I snap as I grab one of Scott's coats from the closet pulling it on over my outfit of a too big graphic tee, and skinny jeans.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm freaking out too. I'm trying to iron out all the details of the tour and security with Esther and Austin, while also trying to keep Avi or Kevin from suspecting anything. I'm trying to iron out all the details with Stephanie. I'm still trying to map out the plan of how we're telling the fans everything, and I'm freaking out, because I'm worried about you, so I'm sorry. I don't mean to snap at you, I guess we're just feeling kind of shitty and are taking it out each other," he sighs making me notice the bags under his eyes and that his hair isn't nearly as neat as it usually is.

"I'm sorry too. I sometimes forget that I'm not the only one going through this," I agree as I wrap my arms around him snuggling up against his side with tears falling down my cheeks, which seems to be happening too often lately.

"It's okay, I know your struggling. Hopefully the morning sickness will end with your first quarter," he tries to assure me as he brushes away the tears that fall down my cheeks.

"I love you," is all I can say as the guilt of not helping out with trying to figure this all out hits me. By the time we get home each night from rehearsals I'm so tired that I find myself always falling asleep on the couch or beside Scott in bed as he talks on the phone with somebody or does things on his laptop. In the morning, I'm too sick to help him as he makes more calls and writes out details of how he plans on telling the fans, and slowly the world about the baby.

"Love you, too. Now stop worrying about me, and get in the car. Soon it won't be just me and Esther figuring this all out, I'll have Avi and Kevin helping us figure it out too. And don't blame yourself for not helping, this is something Caregivers are supposed to handle and you need to focus on just taking care of yourself and our baby," he reminds me as though having read my mind. He gives me a soft kiss on the lips before opening the door and leading the way out.

We decide on taking his car seeing as mine broke down again a week ago, leaving us stranded and having to call Kevin for a ride.

I settle into shotgun like always and buckle up before turning on the radio as Scott starts the car. I take my own phone out plugging it into the jack as I search for something to listen to that will get us both out of our shitty moods and hopefully calm down both of our nerves.

"I'm going to stop at Starbucks on the way, do you want to try to eat anything?" he asks as he easily pulls out of the driveway.

"Um...a strawberry yogurt, a muffin, and their peppermint herbal tea, I read last night that peppermint tea helps with nausea," I explain at his questioning glance at the tea.

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