Snow white x male! Reader

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{Unedited} Sorry its so short, it's also really shitty but I'll probably just rewrite it later ╮(╯▽╰)╭ hehe...

"What's up Snowball?" I plopped down on Sleepy's bed. The pop of my gum echoed through the small cottage. Snow fidgeted with his apron as he stared at the ground. He scooted back and forth on the bed that opposed me.

I narrowed my eyes at his nervous behavior. He was usually bubbly and naive, you know, classic Snow White.
"I-I just thought it'd be nice to hang out."

His face blossomed a big apple red. The apron was being gripped in his fists now.
"No need to be so nervous hun. I hang out with you everyday so you don't need to ask me." I ended with a pop of my gum and a chuckle.

"W-well no. What I really wanted to a-ask...will you, um-" "Go on a date with you? Well damn, I've been waiting." Snow was as red as a ultra organic tomato. He didn't seem to want to move from his trembling spot, so I made the first move. I reached over and placed both my steady hands on his trembling ones. My hands slipped into his grip and I pulled him up.

"Come on hun, we have to get going if you want this date."

I tugged him out the cottage and to my horse.

"W-Wait! I still have on my apron! "


"You really think this is okay?"

I nodded as took off my shirt. I bent back and heard cracks erupt from my back. "Yea, I'm sure this is fine. It probably won't even hurt that much. Probably."

Snow gave a nervous nod. I laid down on my stomach and readied myself for pain. "Alright Grumpy, hit me." Grumpy ringed up his sleeves and prepared the tattoo needle. "Hold onto your jewels (Y/n), this is going to hurt."


"I don't enjoy the fact that you got my face turned into a tramp stamp. Who even gets a tattoo to start off a date! Who giggles his way through a tattoo!" I laughed as he ranted at me. I laid across the horse because after the tattoo, I got a strong after pain.

"Hey, do you feel better? I mean, more comfortable? You looked pretty nervous before we left the cottage." Snow whipped his head around and starred at me. "You got a tattoo to make me relax?! You're a bloody idiot!" He smacked the back of my head.


Sleepy's body fell forward. I quickly slide my arms under his to keep him from face planting on the forest floor. Gently lying him on the ground, I snatched a roll of tickets from his back pocket.

"Alrighty Snowball! Let's get going! The amusement park won't amuse itself ya know." Snow glanced down at Sleepy in concern before following me into the amusement park.

Snow had decided that we should do something more date like then hunting magical forest creatures, which was my idea of course. He said there was a park run by Sleepy near Grumpy's Tattoo parlor. I had agreed and somehow snuck us in with out having to pay. "Snuck in" as in make Sleep fall asleep and slipping past him. I snagged a roll of tickets that would allow us on any of the rides right before we left our narcoleptic friend. Snow, being the great person he is, didn't really approve of me stealing, but went along with it anyway. We wondered around a bit when we made at to the rides, going from mini kids games to the big adult rides. The first one that really caught my eye though, was the spinning tea cups. They were always like a personal test of strength game for me. I would always try to out spin all the other riders.

"Hey, Snowball! Let's go on the tea cups! Please? " Snow only cracked a smile and nodded. We raced over to line, which was starting to exceedingly grow. We waited patiently till our turn, and then hopped into a baby blue cup.

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