Interview 48: She_SoDopee

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1. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? 

Well my name is AJ, I'm 15, I love to write and read so that's why I'm always on wattpad and I'm in love with Mindless Behavior, Trey Songz and August Alsina.

2. What inspired you to write? 

What inspires me to write is what I see everyday and I think "Hey. That would be so good in a book." 

3. Do you have a specific writing style? 

No not really. Sometimes I write with semicolons, sometimes I write in quotations. It depends on how I feel writing. 

4. How did you come up with your titles? 

Well I think of the story line and how it would pertain to that. That's how I get my titles.

5. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 

Well I post my novels just for fun but in most of them, sometimes i put out a lesson to be learned so that the readers know not to get theirselves into a situation they couldn't handle.

6. How much of the book is realistic? 

They are very realistic other than the fact that I use fake characters.

7. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? 

Some are based off of my own life and some are from some of my friends and relatives.

8. What books have most influenced your life most? 

Well most stories I read about overweight girls. Most stories I create about the tough times of being in a relationship with someone because this helps me see through everything. 

9. Describe your writing style in ten words or less.

 I use semicolons after the name of the person speaking.

10. Where do you get your ideas?

Everyday life, from my mind, my friends and what I see on television.

11. What are some things you like to do when you’re not writing?

 I like to read, eat, sleep and hang out with friends

12. What distinguishes good writing from bad writing?

Good writing is when you use appropiate grammar, the story sticks to the plot and readers can't tell where the story's going. Bad writing is when there's little to no grammar and no punctuation and its off the plot and readers can tell the typicalness of the story.

13. If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?

 Nobody Knows or She Always Believed. 

14. Imagine your characters are on survivor.  Who will they vote out of the book?

They would probably vote out the characters from my story Final Destination because they wouldn't know how to think in an environment.

15.  Do you see writing as a career or a hobby?

 I like to write so I can see it as both an hobby and a career.

16. Will you have a new story coming out soon? If so can you tell us about it? 

 I have plenty new stories. But one of them is called "You Don't Even Know Me" with Princeton from mindless behavior. Its about this high schooler named Jacob Perez and one day is strolling through Instagram liking some pictures when he comes along a beautiful girl. He studies her face than he picks his head up and says "I have to have her" 

17. What was the hardest part of writing your book? 

Trying to figure out the next part of the book so that it stays on topic.

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 

 Nothing really.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 

 Hope you enjoy my stories! :)

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

Make sure your story stays on plot and its not cliche because if readers can detect a cliche story, they won't read it.

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