Interview 105: Babykayy01

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1. Can you tell me something about yourself?

My name is Kiara but I go by Alyana Snow on here. I know it is weird but my weird best friend calls me Alyana and if I was ever to get famous that would be my author name. I'm from the south. The beautiful state Alabama. I have a younger brother and no pets unfortunately. I love to write and draw but preferably write. My imagination is one of the main things I love about myself. It runs for miles never ending.  I'm a very open minded person and my favorite color is green and I love playing the game. I guess a weird thing I can say about myself is I love creative writing but I'm not a fan of reading nor do I love writing essays. My grammar isn't the best I'm more of a math girl. I'm currently in college (freshman) and is majoring in Civil Engineering. And lastly,  I love my fans.

2. What inspired you to write?

Honestly, growing up I never received the attention my younger brother got. I was a loner child. I had plenty of friends at school however at home I stayed put in my room. So this urge me to write. I started around fifth grade starting off with simple things such as dragons and princesses. And one day my teacher commented on how bad my grammar was but how good my imagination was. It gave me confidence to continue to write and that maybe writing could help my grammar issues. Even though it is still not that great now. Over time I begin to write more and more and when I found out about this website I knew it was for me. Then, my boredom inspired me to write now, my Wattpad fans inspires me.

3. One of the main characters commits a crime. How and why?

If one of my main characters committed a crime it would probably be murder to save a love one. I would take Violet as an example. Chloe needs her so she does all she can to get her love back and murder would be the only way to get her back.

4. If you could have one of your characters to come real who would it be and what would you do?

If I had to choose one of my characters to come real I would probably choose Amelia from Book of Aria. She's an interesting character and in my head very very hot. She's also a vampire with a short temper but also caring and funny. We would probably go messed up some things. I could be a rebellious child at times. It would be rather interesting.

5. Is writing a hobby or career to you?

Writing is a hobby.  Although, I would love to one day try to get it published just to see would people actually read and love my stories. However,  I want to become a Civil Engineer.

6. Do you want your stories to be published one day?

Yes I would love for my stories to be published one day. It is actually one of my biggest dreams. Also, quite interesting because no one knows that I write accept for three important people in my life. Besides,  them, no ones knows that I write. Not even my parents. So I know plenty of people would be very surprised.

7. What are you doing when you aren't writing?

If I'm not writing I am positively with my friends. We love to hang out even if it's just watching TV or sitting around listening to music and being crazy. I have weird, very weird and different I say, friends. We all are different but fit perfectly for each other. One wants to work on movie sets, while the other is a very talented artist who wishes to published a comic book one day while the other is a dramatic drama queen. They are all guys. For some odd reason I cannot get along with girls. I have two close girls as friends and they are great. My best friend though is awesome. He is the opposite of me but will always be there for me.

8. What is your main goal when writing?

My main goal when writing is satisfying my audience. Without an audience I probably wouldn't write as much because since I've got to college I have been extra busy but for my fans I make time to write.

9. Do you see yourself in any of your characters.

Not really,  but I do see myself in Riley from Return just a little. Her personality sort of fits me but not as much.

10. Do you listen to music when you write? If so what?

Yes, most of the times I listen to music when I write. Usually it could be anything something on the line of my favorites Florence and The Machine,  Evanescence,  Lana Del Rey, or Shinedown.

11. Do you have any hobbies. If so what?

If I'm not writing I'm either out playing softball. I love softball its fun and keeps be active.

12. What were your favorite books when you were growing up?

Honestly, growing up I didn't read much but one book I did take a liking to had to be Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli. It was a very sad book about a boy during the holocaust but I liked it.

13.Who does your covers? If you do, what programs do you use?

I make my own covers and the program I use is Picasa 3.

14. When naming your characters, do you give any thought to the actual meaning?

Yes, I give a lot of thought in naming my characters. I want the name to fit the character personality or something small about them.

15. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

I don't have a favorite author. It's weird but i love writing but not a reader.

16. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The hardest part of writing my book is staying creative and my grammar.

17. What was the easiest part of writing your book?

The easiest part of writing my book is thinking of ideas. I always have an idea of what I'm going to write about. The problem is putting all these ideas on paper.

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Writing taught me that I'm a creative person and when I put my mind to it, i can get it done.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

I would like to say that I love them very much. Without them i probably wouldn't write as much as I do. There comments and likes keeps me going and confident. If there is anything wrong with anything I take good comments and bad. Just don't be rude about it. I have feelings. But yes, i love them all and really appreciate them.

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

The only advice I have for any other writers is have fun and do that you love.

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