Interview 122: JacobaDorothy

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1. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Hi there, well I’m a mum to two lovely boys. I live in Australia and I started writing about six years ago, when my second child was a baby and haven’t really stopped since. I enjoy weekends with my family, holidays at the beach, and I have an abnormal love of pickled onions and chocolate. Though not at the same time. LOL

2. When did you first realize you wanted to be an author?

I don’t really know. I guess I always wanted to write a book, like a heap of other people, but never had the inspiration or the time. When I found myself at home taking care of my baby boy while my other child was at school I thought I’d give it a stab and “hey presto”! I had my first series of books written in just over a year.

3. How long does it take you to write a book?

Depends on the book, but I would definitely say writing is a far more enjoyable and easier process than editing and preparing your book for publishing. In my experience that has taken me twice, sometimes three times as long. With my first book it took me about three months to write, and about two years to edit, until I was happy to send it off for publishing. Now as I look back on that experience, I see the novice mistakes I made, and I am embarking on re-writing that book this year. Live and learn, I guess.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully still alive and kicking, ha ha… and of course still writing. I’d love to say I might have a best seller out by then, but the likely hood of that is probably zero to none, though I certainly hope I give it a good shot and publish more books by then.

5. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

Chaotic to say the least. I only get one day in the week, when I am alone in the house when the kids are at school, so that is probably my most productive time. When the kids are home it is easier for me to edit, as I can get up and down from my desk and be a mum when needed. I find I get frustrated if I try to write when I’m constantly distracted and the result usually shows with a lot of rubbish on the page.

6. If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

Oh, boy, you ask some great questions. I love Markus Zusak, and I loved his book The Messenger, so probably that one. The plot is so very clever, and I adore clever writing that is completely unpredictable, and he is a master at that.

7. What is the weirdest thing that has ever been said or done to you by a fan? (Internet stalkers count)

Ha, ha… I wish I had a heap of funny stories from crazy fans to share, mind I’ve probably heard a few from other authors. Alas, not sure that I have fans, just yet. I have had some lovely comments from a heap of followers and readers on this site, and I have had some requests to write from different viewpoints, which has kind of inspired me to continue writing more books in my current romance series.

8. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

Sounds boring, but I love to read and review other writing. I also love to watch great movies and right now I’m addicted to TV shows like Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. I also love to sleep in on rainy days, which isn’t all that often, worst luck.

9. What does your family think of your writing?

Wow, I’d love to say, they are a ball of encouragement and wave the writing flag each time I sit down to write, but realistically that isn’t always the case. For the most part they have been supportive, but sometimes they get a little mad at me for always being on the computer. My husband even blocked me from Wattpad for a joke the other day. And let’s just say I didn’t find it all that funny. I mean who would, right?

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