Interview 92: Dark_Queen_14

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1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
I'm currently in highschool, studying what I have too. Drawing when I'm not writing in my spare time

2. What inspired you to write?
This is going to sound amazingly cheesy but my dreams, they are so strange and different that they have to be written down.

3.Do you have a specific writing style?
No, I just write how I write stories, poetry whatever :P

4. How did you come up with the titles of your story?
They come up with themselves either based off the characters or a phrase.

5. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
I'm crazy and your teachers may or may not try and kill you at assembly.

6. How much of your book is realistic?
Nothing in the story line but the characters are actually based off real people.

7. How'd you find wattpad?
My friend@llookkii introduced me to read and then I started writing myself.

8.Imagine your characters are on survivor.  Who will they vote out of the book?
Mr Richardson/Draco he is such a jerk at times.

9. What job did you want to be as a kid?
An artist (still do)

10. What is your main goal with writing?
To have it recognised.

11.Do you ever experience writer’s block?
No, I usually have too many ideas and they have a fight to the death in my head.

12. Do you work with an outline, or just write?
I plan my characters and how they react to each other.

13. Imagine your main character dies on page one.  Everything else remains the same.  Describe the new plot to your book.
Jee um... ok the slaughter goes on but Sara saves a considerate amount of mortals and fights the hunters, while she fights them the darkness comes from within cody and they discover their past very slowly between fights.

14.  What do you do when you are not writing?
Drawing or being generally crazy.

15.  Do you see writing as a career or a hobby?
As a hobby for now, but who knows it might just lift off.

16.  Is there any book are you ashamed to have read? Why are you ashamed you read it?
Tales of the heart and the blood it pumps, don't get me wrong it's a brilliant book it's just that it's a student teacher and my teacher saw me reading it...

17. What is the weirdest thing that has ever been said or done to you by a fan?
On one of my chapters I have to characters fighting (argument) and they are based off two teachers that are both happily married and have kids (not with each other) this "fan" commented saying that
'they should shut up and make out already'
Which is so awkward because the dude is like a vice principle and he would KILL me if he found out!

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
Not really, actually not to piss off my sports teacher!

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
You're all crazy and I love you for it.

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?
Write all the time and enjoy what you do.

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